streets of legend

Here is the trailer

recommended to buy/rent/pirate what ever you do to watch movies do it to watch this one. Very good story line, real cars not hovering on street glow. A must see.

Seriosuly I saw this, I thught it was horrible

more was about the girl than the cars it seemed like

is it like redline? cuz that one blew donkey kong sized cack

haha no, the movie starts with ppl racing, kid wants to make his car faster etc etc. runs into this indian chick thing… then there like an hour of her having these trancy dreams with gay music and shitty diaologue, then some more racing… then the one dude finds out the chicks with the other dude, they both die err only maybe one does? then she runs off crying

the end

sweet. now i dont have to see it.

saw it and it sucked, came out about 4yrs ago, something like that