Student at UCLA Tazered

And everyone has to remember…

A taser is not designed, meant or used to inflict bodily harm on anybody. Taser’s are used only after verbal commands are ignored, and the officer needs to subdue the perpetraitor.

Its not like they were trying to hurt this guy. If they wanted to do that, they would have kicked his ass. They merely felt that their commands and presence was being ignored, and they upped the level of force.

In regards to the level of force an officer can use, it is one step above what the perp has or is doing.

So, first they verbally confront him. He ignores it and walks away. (his fault)
Then they grab him by the arm, he yanks away and starts to get all riled up (again his fault)
Then they subdue him with a control device (taser).

if you ask me, its all entirely his doing.


just remember…

don’t bring your mouth to a taser fight.