students kicked off campus

This shit belongs in every forum. Figured you didnt give a shit commie.

Same can be said for cinco de mayo… Lol

this got me HEATED. Read about this when it happened. bunch of CSBS,

LOL… Good point. Problem is, America just drains everything out of a holiday to turn it into some sort of commerical shit fest in some form.

wohhhhh-kkkkkkkk jammer

haha what are you hammered? he had it in the for sale section

Yup. Helps turn a few extra dollars.

WOW… You know what, this pisses me off for any immigrant that’s in this country, seeking the benefits for the potential they could have… But bitch and moan about the way we do business, our cultures, etc…

Listen, you mother fuckers came to us… If you don’t like it, exit the same way you entered.

Which way is that, on a raft or over a fence?

In a trailer, stuffed in a boat… I don’t care…

I’m not racist by any means… But I can’t stand to hear when people of other cultures COME TO THIS COUNTRY and have something to say about the way we do business… It’s obviously better than whatever shit hole country you came from, so STFU.

Un FUCKING believable. This country needs to get back to its roots and stop bending over backwards for people who dont contribute SHIT to society anyways. FUCK!!!

White people now get discriminated on more than others it seems, and Im fucking tired of reverse racism!

dude seriously. we need to take this country back.

It just pisses me off that the white guys are the scapegoats now. If the mexicans wore a PR flag or w/e the fuck they do on the 4th of July, and got booted for it, you KNOW Al Sharpton or some activist would be out there hollerin how racist this country is.


It’s a joke… It’s any piece of shit blood sucking immi that comes here and abuses the system. +1 for those who come here to better there lives and contribute to this countries prosperity. Eff you all you other scumbags.

its getting out of hand. we need to start putting people in their place.

There are only a couple of real “holidays”. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and New Years. The rest are just excuses to, as you said, get hammered drunk or to have a day off.

Halloween, St. Patties day, Cinco de Mayo, etc. are all just random days off that people get to do something ‘out of the ordinary’ (take a day off mid-week for example or get especially drunk). It’s all dumb in my opinion.

I HATE Halloween. Why the hell do adults dress up and parade around the office building? It’s f’in GAY. I had to be Charlie Brown last year for the department thing. The year before that I was the father in “The Adams Family”. So f’in stupid. I’d say no but then I’d get the ‘you’re not a team player’ crybaby shit so I just suck it up.

Do you have any idea of the significance of St. Patrick’s day for the Irish?

x2 i heard it in church a few months ago but was too drunk to remember it

Are you saying its not gettinghammeredassdrunkandbanginghotassredheadsdowntown???