students kicked off campus

Couldn’t agree more but the problem is that those productive ones are the minority. Screw the rest. I was told the other day at work that I was disrespecting this guy because I couldn’t speak spanish and he couldn’t speak english. Fuck this shit. Why should I have to speak spanish in an english speaking country? Shoulda asked for his working papers or greencard but that would have been insensitive I bet. Until one of us learns how to speak the others language, charades will do…:banghead

wow, that sucks that shit like this happens in your workplace, whole buncha BULLSHIT

People can celebrate it anyway they want… I have gotten drunk on St. Patrick’s day before, but I have also gotten shitfaced on Christmas. So Ilya needs to slowwww his roll and stop picking and choosing holidays to hate on.


Not a clue, but in my 23yrs on this planet all I can tell is that St. Patties day = drinking. Nothing more, nothing less. I haven’t seen a single person get all sentimental about it and talk about some specific event that happened on that day. It’s all about drinking, drinking, drinking. Oh, did I mention drinking?

And I’m entitled to my opinion. I just voiced it, as I always do. No need to get all defensive about it lol.

I listed the HOLIdays (notice the first four letters? NY’s is the only one that doesn’t apply to that term) that I think are legitimate. The rest, to me, are not. If you wanna get drunk on St. Patties day, knock yourself out. I’m just saying that I think it’s a sorry excuse for a HOLIday.

:rofl :rofl

No biggie kid. Just another day on Shift518.

No you’re not.

Cue Ilya head explosion in 3…2…

And there isnt a holiday or event on this planet that any American should feel ashamed to where their flag for/to.

And the real meaning of Xmas and Easter mean the same to me as Cinco De Mayo and Halloween mean to you. What is your point? For someone who thinks there is more to death than earthworms and dirt you sure are negative.

Halloween = girls dressing slutty and getting drunk
Cinco De Mayo = getting drunk and having a good time with friends
St. Paddy’s Day = Same as above

One thing all Holidays have in common, they get everyone together, freinds, family, sluts, etc. So why the fuck are you complaining?

Wow, I didn’t realize how ignorant Ilya is… Take your bullshit, old country opinions and voice them some place else.

Cry about it.

I see your point.

He will use the excuse that they are just his opinions, and that somehow because of that, people can’t disagree with him and if you do disagree with him, it becomes a personal attack.

Kids a tool. Straight up. (IMO)


I’m not crying about anything… You’re just a tool, with d-bag opinions… If you wanna state your opinions, than I’m going to as well… but I can see you’re the type of person to get all butt hurt, because someone disagrees with you.

Hardly. :rofl

You people really think I go to bed pissed that people on Shift518 don’t like me? Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. At the end of the day, what you think or say to me is irrelevant. Feel free to pile on the ‘flaming’. My flame suit is on and ready.

Just because you weren’t allowed to celebrate holidays in your country, doesn’t mean you come to this one and slam other people’s. Get off your high Sputnik.

Braaah… I’m not stating opinions for anyone else on this board… I’m just telling you flat out, that you’re ignorant and egotistical… It’s cool, you’re still a kid… One day you’ll grow up and see the error of your ways.

And again, your family immigrated here for a reason… Probably cause your country licks elephant dick… It looks to me like your family made a good decision, as it appears they have a good life… So get off your fucking all mighty complex, and appreciate what you got cause you probably wouldn’t have it, if you stayed in YOUR country.

R tard… St. Patricks day is a HOLY day. Since you’re such a bible thumper, I would have expected you to know that.

haha +rep

Enlist in your local klan. :thumbup :ninja

Honesntly though. Where are your white leaders?