students kicked off campus

We cant have white leaders, it would be racist if white people tried to defend themselves :facepalm

White Power!


You guys are fucked up.

Kent Wallace: In the past few weeks, Clayton Bigsby accepted the fact that he is a black man. And three days ago, he filed for divorce from his wife. When we asked “Why after 19 years of marriage?” He responded, “Because she’s a ****** lover.”

(dont ban me thats a quote)

Any chance there is more to the story than just a few kids wearing american flag shirts? Just playing a bit of devils advocate lol.


Hell no, upstanding kids in school wearing bandanas. :ninja

It doesnt matter much how the kids are. I am sure there is a school policy in place which tells students and teachers what it NOT allowed. If there isnt a clause in it which says you cant wear this on these days, then the kids were right.

this is what happens when people try to make rash, quick decissions and try to back pedal their way out after it explodes. Sure they could say it was a saftey thing, and say it would start fights and it was for their own good. but unless they straight out said that to the kids from the get go, its nothing more than a back pedal.

All I’m sayin is the kids could have been running around running their mouths disrupting the learning environment and it could have been more than just a few quiet white kids wearing patriotic shirts on cinco de mayo. Remember the V8 in the honda story? The news isn’t exactly the most reliable thing out there.

The news blows dick big time thats for sure. But if they were starting a rucus I bet they would have said so, unless they just wanted to blow it out of proportion an make it sound the way they wanted, which i am sure they do alot.

Never the less, i am going to wear my Star Wars shirt to the next Star Trek convention i go to and see what happens.


a) You lose your 1st amendment right as soon as you enter the school house door.

b) They didn’t wear the shirts, shorts and shoes out of American pride. They wore it to be assholes and try to start a fight with the Mexicans. That is all they were trying to do.

c) Educate yourselves on immigration, and illegals. Illegals have put $9 BILLION into Federal Taxes and SSI which they will never recieve. If there weren’t migrant farmers in CA, your food prices would increase crazy high.

The illegals do NOT want to be in the USA; but, they have no choice. The United States destroyed the world’s agricultural system with the subsides, overproduction, and land usage for crops. The US put millions of farmers world wide out of business and thus caused many of them to come to the United States for work and food.

I’m sure many wont remember, but many people would come to the United States, work a couple of years and leave (Italians, and Mexicans). However, due to the way the world has evolved and the STRICTER immigrations laws, people are staying here because they are afraid of leaving and not being able to come back.

d) Mexicans aren’t taking the work from us. Do any of you aspire to be a migrant worker making virtually dollars a day? Do any of you want to be a dishwasher or a house cleaner? No, you don’t. These people put up with a ton of shit and get paid nothing. Without them our world would be much more expensive than it is now. Once again with fake SSI numbers Illegals have put over $9 BILLION DOLLARS into our tax system.

Finally a logical counter argument.



This argument can go back in forth… You say they have paid 9 billion in taxes… I say that they don’t pay into the tax system, nor does there employers have to contribute into Medicare, social security or unemployment. I don’t know the $ amount, but how many dollars have been spent on them in public assistance and other forms of assistance without paying into the system?

EDIT… I just read an article posted by the center of immigration studies from 2002 that said Illegals cost the US government 26 billion dollars, while only paying 16 billion in taxes.

Also how much money has been spent fighting crime/drugs due to Illegal Immigration?

Those people that hate illigal immigration better not complain if cost of goods went up.

I for one never said I hated immigration, I said I hated immigrants who come here and shit on our system. I’m completely aware of how ILLEGAL immigration effects the costs of goods and services.

I could care less if illegal immigrants come here. Whatever that is fine. But don’t use our taxpayer fed systems to benefit yourself and your families back home. Don’t complain that the guy at the drive through dosn’t speak you language.

I’m just playing devils advocate that it’s not a clear cut case.

They help us just as much as hurt us.

At least we don’t really have to live with them, here upnorth. I’m sure if we were in socal it would be a diff scenario.