Stuffing a front mount onto my 05 STi - done!

I was trying to say you made the wrong choice with going front mount, but I just put it up because it seems like you are getting the wrong impression. The heat soak issue is not relevant unless you’re sitting in traffic. The spool time you keep more than makes up for the power you won’t really be gaining up top, especially at a (real) track or auto-x. Also note that you also added a short ram intake with no heat shield which isn’t exactly sucking in cold air. STi’s can run deep into the 12’s on even the stock TMIC with the right mods, I know of at least 3 on Long Island that have hit 12.4 or less with it.

If you’re happy with it, that’s what counts and enjoy it. As for making the engine bay more accessible, I need you to explain this to me as well. How is a TMIC that only blocks a pitch mount less accessible than 6’ of piping that covers both sides of the engine bay and you’d need to remove to do spark plugs.

Also, supporting mod for what? Unless you plan to go big turbo like a 30R, I can’t see what you’re building towards.