Stun Guns and Personal Defence

Im looking to get my girlfriend of 3 years some kind of protection and am looking into this

can anyone tell me about this or any stun guns? do they pass through metal detectors? are they legal? can they cause death?

They generally should not pass through metal detectors.

Legality is subject to PA laws, which you can be tried and convicted for ADW even if you were fearing for your life while using this device.

And, yes, if used improperly any less-lethal self-defense device can cause death.

yeah im not sure, i may just go with the pepper spray

Distance = safety when it comes to self-defense.

It is, IMO, slightly safer to be properly trained in the use of spray. You can hit things at more than arms’ reach.

There are some attackers that will not fall down and go boom when sprayed, though. Truly crazed individuals on PCP have been known to be sprayed directly in the mucous membranes with 10% O.C. and keep attacking.

Also, you can be tried for *-Assault if you spray someone and they didn’t deserve it.

hand gun

True, watch COPS :smiley: Some of those guys just get more pissed off when they get sprayed!!! :eek:

and a concealed weapons permit :slight_smile:

enroll her in tae kwon do or jujitsu, they are defensive close quarter styles that allow you to evade and escape. also just by grasping a larger key i.e. car key between your fingers with the tip pointing outward while punching will cause a nasty puncture wound if the blow is to a soft fleshy area, stomach, groin, throat, eyes.

LOL…I love the key technique…can you seriously imagine a girl coming at you with a key, in the event that you were attacking her?

Stun guns (handheld non-firing) are weak, my mother had one one when I was a kid and me and a few friends used to zap each other with it - the sound they make is supposed to really be the deterrent. We played with a few different models in police academy which were fun but not the best for defense.

An actual projectile firing stun gun is an EXCELLENT form of self-defense. I carried one of these for less-lethal force as a law enforcement officer but don’t recall civilian law on the use of one. I have yet to encounter someone who could resist this method. :bigthumb:

My personal experience for womens self defense weapon would definitely be Oleoresin Capsicum Aerosol. There are 2 key points to this stuff.
1.)Don’t buy it at target/walmart/online ect… Go to a law enforcement store such as Markel’s on north side and pick some up. It will be the highest percentage and most effective.
2.)PRACTICE! If you have never been pepper sprayed or around it it is sickening. The weaker formulas aren’t nearly as effective as law enforcement grades - which are available to the public. I would always recommend spraying your female partner with it so she can feel the effects and know 2 things:
a.)What effect it will have on the attacker
b.)What effect it will have on herself (overspray)

-The spray will be much easier to keep in her purse and less legal consequences and hassles if used. The effects will be substantially raw for the attacker and she may even get a good kick to the face before she retreats. :slight_smile:

*The pepper foam is what I like more as the overspray is not as bad. The only downfall to the foam is you SHOULD shake it before use and it has a shorter shelf life than liquid.

while i would prefer just to blast someone… its probably a better idea to just pepper spray or a stun gun cause then you wont have to deal with all the after shit like a possible trial for wasting the POS

when i worked in the e.r. at university of maryland it was common for attempted rapist/assaulters to come in with pieces of car keys or metal finger nail files broken off in their ribs and arms. the oc aerosol is probably the best choice like zexaccord said.

C-6 Pepperspray/Teargas aerosol at Big Buck’s sporting goods right off 79 in Wexford

how old is the gf? over 21? get her a 380/take her to the range/teach her to shoot/get her a carriers permit/call it a day

oh and stun guns cannot kill you if your perfectly healthy…but sure if u stun grandpa he’ll die, it’s amperage that stops the heart & fries the brain…not voltage

Cliffs: Spray your girlfriend with pepper spray.


i picked up 2 items for self defense
a 9mm for her
a 40cal for me
some hydroshocks, and a carry permit as well
after about 1500 rounds at the range thus far, id say, i feel bad for the perpetrator that enters her apartment. and thanks to the “Stand your ground” law, theres no worries of prosecution.

evidence for those of you about to argue with me

As a ‘preteen’ I took a self defense class with one of the most well known instructors in the country for a style of karate called Ketsu Ka. It focuses on self defense and gives real life scenarios that you have to prove in the belt testing.

Someone grabs you by the hair from the front or back
Bear Hugs
If someone grabbed you by a limb and attempted to drag you
How to get out of pretty much any common hold or grab by an attacker
How to defend another citizen if they are in trouble (without becoming a victim as well)
How to defend against knives, guns(at close range), bow or stick, and a number of less known weapons.

I made it to my Green belt and was testing to get my Purple and I am sure that if I had to get out of a situation where someone was grabbing or attempting to take me I could put up a great fight.
(Size doesnt matter- I used to put down men twice my size and weight while sparring.)

i mean i agree until ur white and the person you shoot is black… thats not a racist comment thats just the truth.

but long as they Are in my place of residence, or business, they die.

You may win in criminal court, but you may lose big time in civil court.

civil immunity
Amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and
Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
Statutes, further providing, in general principles of
justification, for definitions, for use of force in self-
protection and for use of force for the protection of other
persons; and providing for civil immunity for use of force.


the laws seem to bend whenever the NAACP comes marching in HURAH! HURAH!