Stun Guns and Personal Defence

agreed again. you seem to always make a valid point.
I guess i have to get shot 1st, then return fire, at least then i can say i was protecting myself from death.

then you’re off the hook, society forced him into a life of crime.


Dead men dont talk.

To be honest, I have been in a few bar fights where LEOs came in sparying, and it really isn’t that bad. I know it didn’t stop me from fighting, and it didn’t stop many others. I would est. less then 10% stopped due to being sprayed. Anyone that is determinded, I don’t see spray as much help.

OC is def the safest thing for her to carry. Although it really isnt that bad. and if you have a strong desire to do something it wll probably get done.

Thanks for the link. I stand corrected, and I’m happy to be corrected in this instance.

generally the assholes of the black community that do the shootings are retards that sell drugs and hold their gun sideways not realizing it’s harder to take recoil when firing like that…and they also think bigger is better…i doubt the NAACP is going to bend you over when they see a .45 laying next to some guy with some dime bags in his pocket

do you see the crap they stick up for? once something is in the media, even at the local level…if its about something white and black they are there. but if its black on black… they could care less… it doesnt suit their agenda

^^^ i tend not to give a damn about situations like that because the general populous of this country are idiots, double standards are an everyday thing and it makes me sick…

Break out the shoe polish for the press:ugh2: Beware the pimps of black civil “rights”, since they just want their money.:stick:

V= I X R

where do you pull this shit out of?

90,000 volts at just 1 amp would be MORE than sufficient to kill King Kong.

anyone who knows anything about electricity knows that its amperage that kills you not voltage…even the average lightning bolt isn’t enough to stop your heart(30,000volts). I read up on certain things to see how they work, stun guns happened to be one of them. A perfectly healthy person will not die from the average stun gun because they have somewhere around 1-2.5 milliamps which is nowhere near enough to kill someone. Go read up and you will see

Exactly, I’m an electrician of 20+ years, if it was the voltage, I would have been many times over.

It is this exact reason that more people die every year from 120 Volt AC (typical outlet in your house) then from 10,000+ volts. Everyone thinks it’s only 120, but they forget that the average 120 outlet in a house has a minimum amperage potential of 15+ amps. If memory serves me you need a minim of 500 miliamps(1/2 amp) to change a heart beat or cause death.

But don’t whack the guy with a pacemaker with your stun gun…:scared:

They are not legal. Section 908 of the PA. Crimes Code lists a stun gun as a prohibited offensive weapon.

pennsylvania polices EVERYTHING…

go down to the court house, have her apply for a concealed carry permit, buy her a Springfield XD 9mm or .40 subcompact, enroll her in a concealed carry class and be done with it

Not sure where you are from, but down in youngwood, there is a place called A&S Shooting, they GREAT carry clases…