Stupid cig discussion

I’ll do what I can, but seriously, 100% no smoking in the car. I hate the smell and it would be lingering for weeks. Do what you gotta do once you’re out, but nothing inside ;D

I can’t/don’t want to do anything REALLY stupid on the highway, but I do enjoy dicking with people that tailgate me :haha

Yeah me. If your interested p.m. me with your info.


Smokes like a chimney, enjoys marb reds, and those new camel crush things


Pming now

I don’t smoke, but I heard about those new Camel crush ones…interesting concept :lol

Yeah, Im sure they are worse for you in some way. Seriously though, I like to have a menthol from time to time, and those solve that problem…

But i found myself making them methol after 2 drags, so I said fuck it and stopped buyign them


New Camel cigs…you can squeeze it whenever you want and it makes it menthol lol

there kinda good i tried em and i bought like 3 packs and was like ok…y dont i just buy regular menthol

wtf who split this? haha

is this really worthy of a new thread?


Personally I like my smokes cracked, filled, re-wrolled and toked.

Oh, and if anyone feels like smoking THAT on the way down, pm me with your info :shifty


So are both of you going with me then? :ninja


What am I riding in and what are the terms? :rofl

I learned a LOOONNGGGG time ago not to hitch a ride until all the terms are worked out :sad

:rofl care to share what happened there?

haha ye benny wat happened, he didnt tell you that you had to give road head on the way

I did some things I’m not proud of.