Stupid people in Capen

for you UB’ers

UB has many libraries. the many libraries have many sections. utalyze them

I have a laptop. So I go to Capen so I can plug it into an outlet and charge it, and get a good wireless signal. There is a specific spot in Capen made for this.

people are always sitting there doing regular homework. those without laptops. this is one of the few spots set up with electric outlets for laptops. when there arent a lot of people its not a big deal, but when i can’t plug in my laptop because its full and someone is just sitting there whereas they could be at one of the other hundreds of desks in capen, it cheeses me a little. I’m not an asshole so I’ve never said anything, but it’s pretty inconsiderate

today there was one of these next to me. I was at the laptop section, she was there doing regular homework. Whatever. But she kept looking up, and going “tsk” and “ungh” over and fucking over. I look over at her doing her homework and say “homework stressing you out?”
she says “it’s hard to get work done with those people ove rthere talking all the time.”

Capen is a social library, at least the main floor (level with the promenade) is. people are there doing group projects, friends are conversing, people talk on phones. That is just how this library is. Plus you’re in a section where its supposed to be for laptops, and you’re just doing your frumpy homework there.

I tell her nicely that it is a social library, and just across the way is a quiet area with tables. You know, when you first walk in, if you turn right instead of left.

she says “no, its ok i have to go soon anyway”

and continues to go “tsk” and “ugh” every 10 seconds

cliff notes; capen is loud. Go to Lockwood if you want peace and quiet, it’s got 6 floors of it.
and if you don’t have a laptop, please be curteous to those who do, and sit at a regular desk so peole can plug in.

That’s why I just never did homework in the library!

Or… I just didn’t do my homework at all…

funny that im sitting in capen reading this

I know what you mean. I would always go to plug my laptop in at the “well” seating and people were in the way doing nothing or just doing regular homework with paper and pen. If I had to do that kind of work I certainly would find a more comfortable place to go. The only reason I used that area was because it accomodated laptops. Other than that it was pretty shitty.
And as for the sound, I was never bothered by it. I would plug in some headphones put on some MP3s and type away.

Are the LI girls and freshman girls still hanging out on the sunken in the ground couches on the basement floor of Capen? That always pissed me off because it was right near a quiet area where my groups and I would go to study and these bitches would be talking and laughing and just hanging out. Why hang out in the fucking library if you aren’t doing work??

as am i

are you in the laptop section?


I’m the guy in the using those outlets to charge my phone

haha yea the LI girls are still everywhere. that’s where the fraternities and sororities hang out, because they have mandatory library hours. kinda pointless if they’re not actually doing any work lol plus the LI girls sit there because there is glass so people from the hall can see them, and LI girls are only here for hte attention lol.

that’s why I always go to lockwood if i want to get some actual work done

and I agree, this is so damn uncomfortable, you’re just sitting on concrete with carpet over it

so that’s what you do when you’re not wasted on chippewa stuffing hot dogs into your mouth?

haha good times

holy crap did you just say it “cheeses” you? LOL

the library is supposed to be a place where you can study and do work without distrubances, there is no social library at UB, you want to go and talk and do work, go to the Union, the girl had every right to tell you to be quiet

But she didn’t tell him to be quiet.

i <3 lockwood 4L

i think i saw you posting this thread when i was working in library…ur sitting on the left side of the laptop sunked area, right? lol…

i was going to restroom from my office…right behind where u sat down…

im afraid that is not the case with Capen cybrary. if you want to do work without noises, you can go to the half side of capen, the Quiet Study Area.

if you want quietness, don’t even try to go downstair, capen library underground level is designated area for group study.

but yeah, still, there are some silly moron doing wrong stuffs at the wrong place at the wrong time in Capen.

ive been in that library, some talking is fine but like the LI whores screaming their heads off is unwarranted

What do the LI whores usually major in?

good bj techniques to reel in a rich guy


I agree there is some stupid people there. I was in the sunken area in the basement and this kid laying on the couch starts playing song’s on his phone. Not just ringtones, but full songs. He kept playing them on speaker phone. I asked him to please stop. Then he continued to give me looks. I don’t mind the noise in capen to a certain degree, but that was just retarded.

:rofl: I forgot I saw you lol