Stupidest Car(s) Ever Seen?????

haha, man i hope your not serious. 10-11-12 second street cars come out of there so we must be doing something right.


never experienced them b4 seen some of there cars and they are amazing… some one told me they our sloppy putting stuff together, its just what i heard, i have no idea about them you guys tell me, i actually was wondering if the guy who told me was right or wrong, sooo…is he or not???

hes wrong… hybrid is amazing

that black 3000gt is amazing

hybrid does pretty awesome work man, i think your boy got his facts a little skewed.

this guy is an excellent mechanic he just told me some stuff thats it…don’t wanna get into it soo im not giong into details

who is he?

we’re all excellent mechanics :kekegay:

and for sale

Vdub- anytime you wanna stop buy the shop and check out the quality of our for to form your own opinion your more than welcome. we dont bite, unless you come covered in hot wing sauce then thats another story. i’ll actually be there personally on friday.

that black 3000gt is amazing

Is it the vr4? and what they asking for it anyone know?

PM vapor trail…

my favorite stupid thing to see on cars are GTR badges on mustangs those are always good for a laugh especially on 6 bangers

i think i’ve seen that car move once actually. so ugly tho

i actually work right across the street you’ll see my yellow dub sittin here all day long mon thru fri, maybe i will come check ya’s out sometime, i went to h20 2 years ago and there was a black rabbit there with a g60 in it, do you know about this car???

i dun wanna say any names,

At UPJ there was a Cavalier with a big stupid aluminum wing and “Cavaler” on the windshield.

haha LMAO

:rofl: @ the noob talking shit on Hybrid not knowing he’s speaking to the owner.

x2 :mrT:

And he’s always across the street from the shop.