Stupidest Kid Ever

Im pretty sure you all know him, the kid who drive the silver/primer/blue/primer again Hyundai Tibouron. This kid is a moron. I think its funny of all the things that has happen to this kid in the past year.

  • Sold Pills To Kids In My School And Got Caught
  • Got Stabbed By Somebody
  • Tried to hack into the school computer successfully
  • And Said He Beat My Brother 97_B18b1 in a race
  • And he has a manual shift nob with all the numbers on it and its an auto car

and the point of this thread is…?

Fight him.

He works at advance auto in west seneca. tries to race everyone, but sucks at life.

Not sure who the “stupidest” one is here. After re-reading the OP, you sir simply suck.

Umm i hate him and i no ppl would believe me and vouche for me like cky


I hate you already, :clap: probably more than him


like i said he thinks he beat my bro thank you cky

Weirdest n00b post ever?

I had a little trouble deciphering that mess

Lulz wut?

beck is that you?

JULY 2007 … idk seems like the account has been arouind for a long enough time to assume its not a new troll account

Mr. Almostquik, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Lurks for the better part of a year for this:

the last one wasnt harsh enough

a simple wrong would of been ok

Do you wanna suck this kid off or something? Why does it bother you that he’s a ricer, and beyond that, a waste of life? Because he said he beat your brother in a race? Who gives a shit, both cars are slow and suck anyways.

fucking christ theres another one fuckkkkkkk