stupied ice fishing

Well yesterday I went over to Dettah, a small community accross the lake, I decided to take the ice road instead of the highway.

I saw this cool spot to take some pictures, so I pulled over and got out, I was only 10 feet away from the Jeep and as I walking my feet disappeared and all I head was “SLPASH” I walked right into a “GD” ice fishing hole, it was round and I fell in upto my waist that water was SOOOO COLD! I freaked out, got out and ran back to my Jeep, the temp was -33 yesterday and by the time I got back to my Jeep, my pants were frozen and I could not take off my shoes cause they foze too! could not feel my feet for 10 mins!, I drove back home and changed out of my soggy shoes, socks and all…

the worst part of it they were my new Nikes and now they are still wet and I have to go out in 5 mins to do a execise, for a job test, only to do this in really wet shoes still, I don’t have any other good ones, as my other job trashed them so I am out of luck!


Just thought I vent that out!


Wow… what a series of unfortunate events. Good luck on the job test though…

Hahaha, OMG, that’s terrible. You’re lucky you didn’t all all the way in or get neumonia sp?

damn man that sucks. glad your ok tho, cus ya good thing you didnt fall all the way in.

Glad you’re alright, but…

I find this incident quite ironic because of your sig:



are those penguins lemmings now? follow the leader.

and hahaha i didnt even put that into consideration.
that is ironic.

Ya after I got home it was funny. Ice freezes in layers so I am glade that it was only 2 feet deep or so, its all good, talk about a shocker ahaha

Ya going off roading is fun and gets you muddy and wet, I sank my Jeep on a number of occasions, but all went well. I used to go by the name GQJeeper but since a dunking incident on a long weekend with no dry clothes earned me my new name S.S. Soupy Socks…lol

It’s all good, just came back from my job test/interview, and yes my signature just came home to haunt me! damn I should change that ahaha

Anyways, its all good now, dry socks on, shoes over the vent and a cold one in my hand! life can’t get any better…:stuck_out_tongue:


LOL that brings back cold memories ahaha:D


that is the funniest most fitting clip lol

kirplunk hehe penguins r cute