It’s so true, I remember we’ve discussed this here at some point…for me it took being ripped off 10+ times before I realized there was no coincidence, UPS’ brokerage fees (importing from U.S.) will OWN you! As in, 30-70+% of what you paid for your item, AFTER having paid the seller for shipping already.
A couple of mine I remember off the top of my head:
what do subaru owners have to do with hating ups? the hate is a feeling shared by all canadians who have ever ordered something from the states and had ups as a courier.
also just a fyi, as of january 1st their brokerage rates went up like 3percent.
Holy crap they’re jacking them up more? That’s jokes…this Subaru thread just brought back some memories for me that’s all…and indeed hopefully all Canadians catch on.
Imagine the money they must be raking in, especially considering all the Canadian’s currently and recently cross-border shopping!
what i do when i like bid off of ebay or somethign is tell them to send it as like a gift so that way no fee’s i remember i baught a amp and had like 70 dollars of duty fees
Even if its a gift, if they put a large value they will charge you for it. I bought a ES bushing kit a while back and the guy marked it as a gift but didnt put a value, at the border they un packed it and went through the package to value it. They put a value of like $125 on it, put a slip in the box saying it was searched and re wrapped it. Needless to say i had to pay like $60 when it got here.
that does absolutely nothing, you still have to pay taxes/brokerage on it, just like you would pay taxes on gift if you crossed the border with your car.
the only real way is to have them value the package at 20 dollars, but then if it gets damaged or lost you’re screwed. you can also try and having them mark it as ‘warranty replacement’ since they can’t technically charge you tax on something you supposedly already have paid tax on.