Suggestion for location for bon fire for saturday...

…Saturday is my girlfriends birthday, and we want to have a large get-together and have a bonfire, and a good old time… Problem is, we dont have the property to do this, so I was wondering if anybody had a place we could have this. Please let me know, thanks


I think tdi_logik has a bunch of shitty cars on his lawn that you could prly just set on fire, shoot him a pm

I’m not looking to pull a Failvis here…

why not use Failvis car? wayne wanted to make a grille out of it.

we can use it, but we need the property to throw the party

on a serious note… I would try looking up some local camp grounds. The more ghetto the better because they won’t care about the fire size, they won’t have a lot of people there, and you could prly just bring as many people as you wanted.

try moreau campgroud. its off exit 17 of the northway, kinda a little hike, but its a nice place and probably not many people there.

murrdog has a nice t-bird we could BBQ from the trunk.

the off road place behind the mart is a pretty good place. gotta have 4wd to get up there.

murrdogs shitty t-bird could do it with those bogus snows he’s got on it.


wow pete… thanks for using the exact same joke I used against you, realll original :thumbup

quiet Ronald

Whatever you say Sally :gay

sounds like the fumes from the JUNK-bird are gettin to your head.



dbl post. murdoggs t-bird sucks!

When you have a better car that you got for Free, lemme know

My old Jeep…

yea i can take you to my back yard and show you the passat.

wayyy better then a bunk ass t-bird


how come your not driving it? That passat is fucking junkkkkk