Sully's 93' VR-4 Build

I’m trying to get some ideas of what to do when I’m home, depending on what Joey’s dad finds.
-Bottom end is fucked: Send to Hunt’s for machining, order new parts…
-Bent valves: Test them at my house, or Joey’s dad, or send to Hunt’s for work, and order new valves…

Other than a few misc parts (new tensioner, crank pulley, gaskets, etc) the car just needs a little more TLC, and once the motor is dropped back in- it should be ready to go. :ohnoes

All the old 4 wheel steering lines are out, I’m going to try and finish the system up tomorrow. Thank god!

I’m going to pop out some of the valves tomorrow (kinda scared) and test them to see if they are bent…ugh

Nice man!

do werk sully!!!

Why u taking them out? Did u do the water test first?

Smoke testing is the way too go. I know some one who can do it or Im certain Hunts has a smoke machine to do it with. The valve seats have to seal against air pressure so you are only going to find a leak with water if its really bad. Number the valves as you pull them from the head so you know what port, seat, and guide they belong to. A bent valve can cause extra stress and damage to the seat and guide so when you do find the bent one you are going to want to know where it came from.

sulllllly… getttin the sand out of vagina… good shit

lol, OK, So I just got a call back from Hunt’s aaaaaaand I have 12 bent intake valves… :frowning:
Gotta figure out my plan of action now… :ponder

man up and buy them… thennnn 35psi

yeh bitch tits buy some fucking valves

:lol Solidddd work Scully!

YAAA, I’m headed down there tomorrow to figure out exactly what it needs and go from there…

Good luck man!

that sucks but better than the bottom end i would wssume

are your heads ported dan?

Who said that was in the clear? Sully did build it himself :retardclap

Ported to fuck

you guys are brutal :rofl :rofl

good luck with everything, Daniel!

this is true… :rofl
