Summer 09 Review Vid

its not done being edited but i got super anxious and wanted to share it. I have been putting clips together from random track events. This will be NOTHING like the final cut. there is zero editing in this other then the songs.

Chris Budgell - Keez (black 180sx with pink rims)
Peter Chrisakopouls - Pants (green Silvia)
Rod O - Zoneman (ithink) (white 180sx type XXX)

More people that will be in the fully will include such party favors as, Jesse (240sex?) (black 240sx) Nick (sidewayzmaniac)(black 180sx with diamonds) and the ladies man Martino (Martino…lol)(black 180sx with stickers errwhere) also I have some decent footy of Farmer/Mark (.white.240) and a few other people im not sure of.

anyways, watch brah


very nice sir budgell but needs more purple hatch :wink: lol

oo im the first! this shit is propper cant wait to throw down at shanny this summer!

aw im the second :frowning:

Hahah. Dopeeeeee!

purple 240 is always faster :wink:

the full video will be much better, in due time.


Chris murders, the linking of 2-3-4 at nelson. Madness!!!

green car has no skills

^ The red car not in the video’s has no skills son!!!

^yea green car blows :wink:

haha yea chris, this is Jesse. looking forward to seeing the finished version, son!


I’m not the only Greek guy here anymore? WOW!

i miss shanonville… i just wish it was frickin closer!!!

I wish that it was cali here so we didnt have to miss shanny in the off season…btw i did this last night to my cressida haha…

3 door fuck ya.

sometimes snow drifting with another car and 0 room for error. As you can see there are a few parts that dont line up.

I <3 3 d000000000rs.

That Cressy got gangbangex. Holy fauck. Time to bust out the hammer and get buck nutty.

i was waiting for these pics to surface HAHA


Bro this is SON! We don’t use tools!

SON emergency repair kit:



Sick shit bro.

Nice repair kit btw.

Needs some binder twine though.