Summer Jobs

yeah no 1 is hiring alot of places say come back aorund april.

On the bright side, it isn’t just me.

For sure, i’m in the mechanical side of aviation :slight_smile:

only way ur gettn a job makin more than minimum wage nowadays is if ur certified, liscenced, have a degree/diploma, or have a ticket to do something. if u have none of those, only way ur makin a decent living this summer is to go on welfare and work under the table bein a construction grunt somewhere

The job situation sucks more for us York University students because our exams end in June due to the strike. Fuck.

^ York University ftl…

Seneca ftw! for your information HayMakr, you don’t need a dam degree or diploma to get more than minimum wage…Toys R’ Us is one good example lol.

ya i was overexagerating a bit lol

thats so true! one of my boyz mom dropped outta high school in grade 10, now she makes over 100G

Just play online poker as a summer job (I’m not even joking).

i also ment to say “during this recession”.

^ well dude, I guess once someone gets into the online poker as a summer job, they’ll probably have a gambling problem or in this case, become a workaholic lol :wink:

I only suggest this if you have self-control.

It’s basically the same as being a day trader in the stock market.

Exact same principle :slight_smile:

I need a bankroll of $500 if anyones willing to do it lol

I use $300 and play 1/2s

Buy in with $150 or even $100 is good enough for me.

Buying in twice is good enough. If you need to do more than that consecutively you shouldn’t be playing poker :wink: