Summer START @ Dunnville Review / Pic's / Vid's / Thank You Thread!

For sure. At WGI it would have been no contest, Spencer would’ve come back around on me in 8-10 laps. However, at Dunnville he cant get the power down quite as early (or so it appeared) and I’ve got a ton of laps there so I know every bump of what I can get away with. I was for sure pushing the boxster to 10/10ths everywhere except for in braking zones as I dont feel comfortable closing up on someone under braking after a 40 minute session. It was a blast for sure, but dont let the appearance fool you, his setup is SIGNIFICANTLY faster.

thanks for taking a pic of my car from its “good side” Ian

I had a blast, and thanks SoloIIscoob for the ride-along. REALLY made me want to get mya ss in gear getting my car worthy for the next track day.

great food Tpgsr, Next time just let me know if you want extra hands, you know im always down.

This being our first time, we knew there would be some problems to sort out. Asking people to ration food, and the long line was simply a function of the 30 to 40 people who decided last minute (after the deadline) they wanted to come. We expected a few extra people, but not THAT many! Mike alone could have easily handled the number of people who had registered like we asked months in advance;

We appreciate the support though! And will have to plan on having more cooks / grills at the Summers END event in September.

It’s never a bad thing when this kind of demand exceeds supply :tup:

We’ll also ask for volunteers ahead of time to flag and help at the registration desk for the next big event. With all of the tasks at hand, and the record number of people who showed up, we simply didn’t have enough help. For those that jumped in and helped we greatly appreciate it :tup:

So for those who are on-the-fence as to if you can make it to the event in September - PLEASE register a month in advance so we can at least anticipate the appropriate numbers :slight_smile:

The next track day is June 21st man… hope you took off the right day!

Oh, and where are KCuv’s and Micah’s pics???

I know micah took several thousand pics (~700) so hes definitely got some sorting/cleaning up to do

suggestions & constructive criticism should be part of the review process. :shrug:


yes i did, i didnt notice i said the 26th and not the 21st

also how are the track repairs going and how does it look?

is the registration page not working?

not yet

Lol NP man, sorry i didnt get to talk to ya all day, I went to take a few quick pics of the car right before I went out on the track with CKY and didnt get to catch ya, cant wait to see the new visual mods though, hope to see ya at the next track day, mabye my car will actully make it

If you need help next time let me know… I use to work/manage for a large catering company that would cater for 100+ people at times.

I’d be more than happy to lend a hand. I had a lot of fun doing it when I did.

Im down for helping out with whatever, just let me know

… Oh yeah I would just like to thank Justin (GSX) for flagging me down when my hood poped open when i was on the track.

Since I’m out of the car scene… I could probably fill the back of my truck with grills or tires and also drag a huge trailer up there in case there was more breakage…

Sounds like you guys had a blast though.

I sent you hi res of this one, hope ya like


More here:

Yes, lots of camaro pics. Just a warning.

Nice man, what kinda camera are you running ?

Here are the pics I took. They suck as we are currently shopping for a new camera.

I also have some vids I will post up tomorrow maybe.

It’s a Nikon D40 with an 18-135 lens. The wife gets all the credit for the photos (and photoshops). She also brought the tripod which helped a lot.

do ya mind If I ask where you got it and how much you paid, Im on the hunt for a D40 with a lens kit

quote=cky89;953054]Definitely will next time. I rode shotty with the guy who had the red dsg 2.0t gti, and omfg could that guy drive. He gave me awesome pointers, and made my day much more enjoyable by riding along with me and showing me the ropes.[/quote]

Glad to hear I helped. Also good to hear you fucked up your font tires, welcome to the world of GTIs.

I had a problem in the grand curve. My car hopped while turning under power. The jolt was bad enough that the shock went into the drive train and engine revs went down.

Any ideas as to what needs repair?

Any pics or video of my car in a corner so I can see what the suspension was doing?