Summer START @ Dunnville Review / Pic's / Vid's / Thank You Thread!

My only complaint about the event really was the food. I know Mike puts alot of effort into catering these events, and the food is good, but I do not enjoy waiting in line for hours for a burger. I also do not like to eat lunch at 4pm. Everything could have been prepared earlier and everyone would have been happy. I dont think 1 man alone is not very effective when trying to feed over 50 people. Its not like this was the first event this has happened at too. Just hire a professional company and no one will have to worry about anything.

The trouble with bringing in a catering company is finding something appropriate in canada and paying to have them out on site for setup tear down etc…

I think that it will be researched heavily for the summer end event.

Weren’t they’re over 100 people?

Maybe, my dad can feed the people. He’s been asking me about organizing a BBQ to raise money for charity. What’s the budget on the food?


I have never been to a track day but I enjoy reading the threads and checking out the pics.

So as a very casual observer, the main problem with the food service seems to be a matter of logistics.

Maybe at the start of the day have a # system with tickets to get food designated by groups of drivers. That way Mike can prepare enough for 15-25 plates that is “fresh” off the grill and ready to go so that those 15-25 people can enjoy the food in an expedited manner.

Or simply put, have people sign up to be track volunteers and food volunteers. You cannot have a successful venture in anything without a willing amount of help.

Everyone seems to love the food, its just always seemingly a matter of timing.

Just a thought.

yes i waited an hr for lunch and then took a quick nap after. people saying there wasn’t enough seat time i don’t agree. in the afternoon by the time they flipped track directions i was one of 3-4 cars out there. i felt in the morning the sessions were short but that was because they kept having to red flag to clean. they should have broken it into 2 lines, 1 for the grill and 1 for pasta salad etc. if anyone wants to do a 1-2hr enduro odometer race with me on the 26th we can work details out later… :wink:

yeah we are well aware, and if the only concern about the day was the way the lunch hour(s) went then thats a + in my books.

There are 2 full day drift events that we are hosting before our summer’s end event and we will be trying different set-ups for food on each of these days. One option is just to have Track staff operate an open BBQ the whole day.

As much as $20 per person may sound like alot, i am sure that when you consider the effort and logistics involved in getting that quality of food there you will realise that there is no money to be made.

If this “Don’s” place in also located in Buffalo you can bet that $9 a head turns into $20 a head pretty quickly when the venue is outdoors and 2 hours away in a whole other country.

The only possible catering option otherwise is a local dunnville caterer. We can look into that for sure. I’d like to think that people of our calibre expect more than just a burger and chips. I really liked having the fresh fruit there, it seals the deal for me.

Also, we had food left over… only a few people came back for second and thirds… i restocked and we had at least another 30+ sausages, another pack of ground beef and i bought a few packs of buns from the track to use as well… so we could have handled another 20 - 30 runs through the buffet. There was lots of oranges and grapes and apples left as well as chips etc.

i think we should split the suggestions and critique of the day into a seperate thread and keep this one for pics and reviews.

I would think dunnville has had events catered before, what do they do for there driving schools? I just think the logistics of getting food from the US to Canada is a nightmare.

Getting food over was cake. They asked me what I had in the back, I told them I had some food for the day and he said okay have a nice time.

hey guys. i was drifting the gold s13. if anyone has any footage or pics of me can they please email them to me?

i had a blast. thanks for everything guys. see you soon. hope you come to bings cozy meet.

My first few sessions in the car were a bit sketchy, I took awhile before I felt confident pushing the car hard. Mike definitely got me driving harder with that boxer in my rear view.

is that coming up Jesse?

how did that boxster do compared to your masses and masses of power? once i change my suspension settings maybe ill be able to push you a bit

Your On! Hehehehe, I’d be down for something like that! Once I get my braking system up to snuff, I’ll be able to stay out there alot longer, and brake later too. This could be interesting.

Spence… following you helped keep me in a good line. I was motivated to keep close to you just to see if i could keep up in the straights.

The Bings / SON240sx / Niagaraq meet & cruise is June 8th… less than 2 weeks away.

DOH. I didnt know it was the 8th for some reason. I’m going to be at Nelson ledges most likely :frowning:

just need to rent one of those really large grills with the trailor hitch on it and start earlier.

That could work too…though I don’t know what that would cost.

The boxer obviously had the advantage in the corners, and I had the power advantage in the straights. If we were at the glen there would be no contest, but at dunnville with Mike driving the car like a maniac there wasnt much separation between us. I think the big difference was mike was using every bit of what the boxer could give.