More reason for four flaggers and radios. I will help out at the event I attend.
to answer some questions.
this was the first 3 laps of the day. my first time ever there and i didnt look at the map online. i followed the maro then the gti and then justin and intensert onto the track and end up catching justin and intense just after this…
and i got to the last 2 minutes of the driver’s meeting because i was coming back from taking the 944 owner to the service station to drop off his wheel.
and it was only 2 wheels off so simmer down
this is not representative of how i progressed throughout the day. i hadnt even caught justin yet
…and to further enlighten all of you this is THE FIRST TIME i have ever driven a RWD car on track and actually put it into its paces in any form of very hard driving aside from 3 or 4 autoXs in this car.
…so i was just figuring out RWD…
i hope rich or pat or brett or dave or jay want to chime in here about their experiences…
and the honda is a hard RWD car to drive… especially to learn how at an HPDE.
I was extremely cautious of my driving and I think it helped me more in the long run. I also had an experienced person ride along with me, and I also rode along with him. BEST MOVE I MADE ALL DAY. I think alot of people had pride issues and didn’t want to ask for a more experienced driver ride with them. I felt more comfortable and had more fun because I had someone show me the ropes. I never once came close to going off course and I think that had alot to do with it.
If there where perfect lines in any of us we would have been racing for a big purse in a sponsored car on Memorial day weekend (maybe for a drink of milk at the end). Going slower to go fast is counter intuitive and a learned skill. More track workers will do the trick, if all drivers have to work the track the understanding of what is going on gets much better. I became a better driver in SCCA events by being a track worker.
Oxy did a great job we all had fun, lets look to the next event.
What mods are you all doing before the next one?
Brake fluid, new stock pads, and work on the driver mod
As far as flagging, speaking for myself, I don’t want to have to babysit each racer. There are 12 of you out there. We can’t always match up who’s cloud of dust goes with what car and we certainly aren’t going to throw a flag every time someone might have gone off. Unless you throw debris on the track or are impeding other cars, we rely on YOU to come in after an off and check yourself.
Hell, I’m sure there were plenty of times that a car went off and it would be impossible to tell from the flag position. You’re the driver, YOU need to follow the rules and help ensure everyone’s safety.
Hey everyone, i’m the one in the black s2k
That was my first time at Dunnville as well as any racing for that matter of fact. I know i suck bad and probably caused some inconvenience for alot of people that i might not have known. but be kind i just didn’t know what to do nor do i really talk to anyone to get pointers. i drive really slow so i dont mess up my car… (it got shitty tires, shitty brakes and stock). would like to come up again with my friends silver rx7 and if anyone can give me pointers it would be great. i did not approach anyone just cause i dont even know what to start asking first…(got tons to ask about)
Next time just find someone who is more experienced and just ask to ride along with them first, then have them ride along with you. Don’t be afraid to! it helped me have a ton of fun out there.
Good luck!
eric your car is stil sick, wish i couldve been there to see it nice work
Is there a classroom available at this track?
my car smokes.
I was thinking of getting this for track days.
Stiffen up the back and I could get a proper restraint system
Yup. We usually use it but we had too many drivers this time out to fit inside.
^Wow nice.
Maybe break up the group into different classes?
I know this isn’t a driving school but after reading some of the posts I thought maybe covering the basics might help with safety at least.
We covered them all in the drivers meeting, on top of requiring everyone to read all of the rules and sign a waiver to affirm that they had indeed read them. And there were two different classes.
Maybe we should have 3 run-groups. Similar to PCA’s “Green” “Blue” and “White/Black” - green for total first-timers, blue for a few times and white/black for experienced… maybe even REQUIRE the green drivers to take someone with them, and do the first few laps under FULL COURSE yellow? I don’t want this to get into a super-anal mess, but safety is more important than any other aspect at a track day.
Dunnville having big grassy runoff is a blessing and a curse - nobody would try or be able to get away with that kind of over-driving the car at the Glen unless they like Armco-blue
No need to change the rules or groups just because one person didn’t follow or understand them. No one else had any major issues. Those new people who had minor issues asked for advice and learned from their mistakes. :tup:
I don’t see any point in that at all. Just take it easy for the first few laps. problem solved nothing has to be changed
If you are going to talk safety, there probably should have been a mid-track flagger. The one at the start can’t see everything that is going on at every part of the track.