Summer START @ Dunnville Review / Pic's / Vid's / Thank You Thread!

Okay, now that I’ve slept and have as coherent of a mind as I will, here are some things I learned/some thoughts:

  1. Brain fade does, in fact, exist. After too much time on the track my brain just went blank and I wasn’t conscious of my driving, and as such, was driving very very poorly. That’s when I pulled it in.
  2. A little brake-induced oversteer can be good in turn two, if done properly, in my car. I nailed it a handful of times, and hope to work on that at future events.
  3. I’m still not sure whether apexing the grand turn around once or twice is more effective. I feel I drive one apex better, but that two is the more “correct” approach, but I don’t have solid proof of either being more effective than the other, yet.
  4. I tried driving the higher-horsepower line out of curiosity once through, lol. Not effective. I knew it wouldn’t be, but I wanted to feel/see the differences.
  5. Pointing people by is a great way to clear up the track for you, and gives you someone to aim for. Competition mode kicks in a little.

Wow I new desk top :slight_smile:
but man my car looks sooo tall… I needs springs/coil overs bad…

so uh I thought this was today since I signed up for it.

not realizing the 2 million times I looked at a calendar, the 24th was yesterday. I didn’t even check the threads about it again yesterday till late last night, looking to get directions and everyone was saying how much fun they had.

ultimate fail on my part.

first of all. i cant speak for the other mods, but if you make a mistake, dont try and cover it up. i dont know what “cover up” your talking about. but after a quick search, here is a quote from zong himself from the thread. maybe im wrong here but i dont know…

sympathize. sure. but he already went on the record asking for the threads to be deleted. which is nefarious in my opinion. i mean. do you sympathize with someone that says “I’m sorry” after killing a family after drunk driving? maybe a little, but it doesn’t justify what he did…

but hey. what do i know. im off to Sunday fun times. have a great day.

Lol yeah, but you where still wipping hard, it was a blast to watch

how about captain badass in his celica

My face was burned pretty bad except the sunglasses area. lol. should have listened about the sunblock.

IKSHO89, thanks for taking all those photos for us!!! and you really good at phototaking!! you are the man!!!

My thanks to everyone that contributed, I had a blast… special thanks to the food guys, the burgers were delicious! It was nice to put faces to some names. I hope to get out at least once more this year, minus our dog who, despite his small stature, was a huge pain in the butt. The wife is touching up our photos and I’ll post them asap.

definately had a great time, i was impressed with the neon’s cornering ability, amazing; it makes me want to fine tune my setup for road courses. we both got into some pretty heated battles: it was funny when they switched the direction of the track and maybe lap 2 or 3 when you were in front of me on the turn before the back straight you locked up and slid and i did too, haha. I bet you had a good view also when i was in front of you and spun my car at the same spot, lol. great driving skill also, i never felt uncomfortable having you, the blue, or silver, 1car off my back bumper. ill be at as many of these days as i am available for, its always fun to have someone push your abilities.

i was driving all day and have 0 pics, thanks iksho for the shots, anyone else who has more and wants to share that would be greatly appreciated…

I think mine a little blurry but I’ll post them after some editing. I took some great ones with Chris’s camera.

Where are the pics?

There’s always a fine line between letting someone know your on their rear (especially for me because I have to do it through corners) and being dangerously close. The entire time I was out there, I never felt anyone crossed that line, which was awesome. I’m glad to hear that none of us put you in a nervous situation!

At one point (and I apologized to him afterwards) the Audi (sorry, don’t remember you rname!) caught up to me, but was hanging a bit back, so I thought maybe he didn’t want to pass. After about a lap or so of indecision I backed way off and let him pass. I just wasn’t sure what his intentions were, so it’s good to be nice and clear with your driving when close to someone else.

I didn’t start anything!!! HAHA

I had a great fucking time.
Miata is a fucking blast.
Too bad my motor is toast and I had no power anytime after lunch :confused:
I am starting to think my timing belt jumped a tooth. No smoke or anything just wont rev out right, and all that knocking noise haha (it’s new motor time)

Thank you to everyone who put this on.
I’ll sign up for more when I fix my motor :smiley:

Awesome day. I wish I was able to stay longer to get the pics I wanted but I had to leave for work.

I took 577 pics. I have ALOT of editing to do :frowning:

well said, i carry a lot of speed into the corners, in general that was where i would catch people, but id give them what i considered a safe amount of braking distance. i hope i didn’t make anyone uncomfortable by pacing behind them. i really would eat up a lot of distance on people in the beginning section of Curve Grande after the hard right turn (tried for the inside line and double apex pushing out to the grass on the front straight).

Sweet tits I made it into a pic… nice pictures BTW all of them look good

Haha thanks man, and the ride on the track was great, just gotta get some suspension on that beast, anyway it was fun, and heres a “Higher” res shot for you.


Those were the only ones I deemed alright. I got some more but there just a tad to blurry to work with.