Summer START @ Dunnville Review / Pic's / Vid's / Thank You Thread!

Oh yeah and CKY might have been faster if JDMjunkie hadnt been trying to kiss him all the way around the track…

Let’s see here…

Big thanks to Lee and John for making the facilities available to us! Also a big thanks to Josh, Bing and Rick, because without them this never would’ve happened. Big thanks to Cassie for not only letting me beat the living hell out of her e30, but then letting me lap her boxster for nearly an hour straight. To the guys shooting photos, to Mike for cooking some absolutely amazing food, for Mike, Justin, Brent and Adam flagging almost the entire day. Without them this event would also, not have been possible.

Of course, a huge thanks to all of you for showing up!

Highlights of my day included, drifting the e30 during lunch and trying to get back into a groove. It’s tough when you havent done it for months and you’re in a car you havent driven in years. Had an absolute blast. Helping a few people with car issues/driving issues and having them figure it out and get in the groove and find their line. Watching everyone have a good time, etc, etc

Absolute best moments for me was chasing down Spencer in the Supra with the Boxster and having an awesome rubber band battle with him for 6-10 laps. We had virtually no traffic and (while safely and at an appropriate distance) we were really going at it. I hope it was as entertaining to watch as it was to be involved.

Big thanks to the S1DC guys for coming out, good to see you again, bring more tires next time :wink:

To justin for driving the trailer to his house from transit so I could sleep for 30 minutes. To brent for keeping me awake on the way home so we didnt die. :lol:

Oh and to Jason (Blackforest) for loaning me a few tools that I forgot to bring.

As far as tech, to those of you who we failed the first time and we had to send back around, SORRY. HOWEVER it’s just irresponsible for us to send you out with things that are clearly dangerous. We were not only looking out for YOUR safety, but our own, and those around you. No loose objects means just that. Nothing in the trunk, and certainly no stereo equipment. Those were the two biggest things we had an issue with, and I think the fact that we gave you guidelines and did tech this year helped keep downtime to a minimum.

I’m sure I’ll think of more, and I’m editing Brent’s photos right now.

It was so much fun seeing what you could do in both of my vehicles. I was kind of depressed when you passed me in the e30 though… ah well, shows how much I still have to learn. I can’t wait to see the pics Brent got!

Ya defenitaly wanted to thank all the organisers… and the people who came over to lend a hand the 2 times I had to fix things on the car…

and I apologies to anyone who got stuck waiting for me to limp my car off the track…

also to badcompany on the board to getting me parts for my car in a pinch so I could make it…

haha nice…next time i’m definitley running the slowbalt.

^ With someone trying to kiss you ? lol

Who’s gay here? lol

I think thats a long list sir

fun times for sure!! Thanks to everyone envolved. It was fun watching all you guys out there really pushing your cars. :slight_smile:

I kind of wish it would have been a two day event but seeing how tired I was at the end and how burned I got. I think I would be dead the second day… LOLZ

I have to say driving on the track is way different then flying down the back roads, I actually found the breaking point of my car in that second lap and my inexperience on the track really showed… Sorry to the red camaro who let me pass then for me to spin out in-front of him…

Definitely going to build on what I learned from Jeller, Xander and Spence while I took some laps with them riding…

Also a big thanks to Jeller for riding with me and showing me how to take the lines. By the end of the day I think I improved dramatically compared to how I was driving that morning… I actually was learning the lines and realizing what I needed to do to hit them better and knew when I did not hit them the right way…

As for feeling nervous I actually felt really comfortable out there. I liked letting the experienced guys pass so I could try and follow and see how they where taking the lines. Sorry if I held any of you guys up because at times I did not realize anyone was behind me because I was so fixated on trying to get the line down…

Again thanks for putting on a great event. Now I have to get back to applying some Aloe.

sounds like it was a blast, wish I could have been there!

Good times! Perhaps next time I’ll get some sleep before the event and spend some more time behind the wheel. LOL


P.S. FWIW I couldn’t get the registration page to work for the event on the 21st of June.

really shitty quick edit to save this shot, i didnt even save this in high res ill prolly edit it again later along with the others, but im puttin this one up, many more to come, just too nice out to stay in all weekend

Yeah, Mike needs to re-activate it. I’m sure he’ll do it later today if he can still move his arms!

^^^^ That FD almost makes me want to get another one, almost. LOL


That FD was STUPID clean. I’m going through Brent’s photos and my racelogic data right now.

My long session in the boxster I covered 38.34 miles in 49 minutes with a peak lateral acceleration of 1.173g’s and -0.943 under braking (or so I’ve found so far, I forget how to set “show peak”), best lap in the e30 was a 1:21.4, in the boxster 1:16.1.

Here are a few… more to come

Nice shots!

Solo2scoob, we you and the green neon had some pretty danm fun battles going on!

Oh yeah, I have something PRETTY :snky: for the next track event…it may be a cup light car…with differnt gears for the long stretch :slight_smile:

A few photos from brent_strong… maybe next time he’ll bring his FD… :lol: :wink:
On the hunt :wink: Good times Spence!
The three RX… errr Xander’s Z06 and the two RX7’s… :wink:

yea the blue FD pretty much makes me want to get my old one back LOL