Summer START @ Dunnville Review / Pic's / Vid's / Thank You Thread!

Glad everyone had a great time. I look forward to when I can attend one of these soon.

so wait, 2 FD’s that made it through the whole day, and a honda that didn’t?

what next, Chuck Norris caught crying?

I take good care of my FD :). I expect another 4 years out of the engine tracking at least. I daily drive it too.

The day was a blast, I got to play with suspension settings and tire pressures. Big thanks to all the organizers, it was the best Dunnville event I’ve gone to. The food was pretty good too although I wish they had more BBQ’s running. I’ll definetely come to the next event.

This was the picture I was waiting for :smiley:



I will have the page back up and running tomorrow. I have to get that page and one for bing so expect to see it by tomorrow evening.

Hey, good to see you made it on. I don’t think I ever caught your actual name, but your car is silly clean! Hope to see you at the next Dunnville event!

Thanks to all the organizers and tpgsr for the food. i enjoyed meeting lots of new faces and sneeking peeks of micha and paulo’s pics very nice! too bad the track wasn’t wider i would have liked to take the bike out. Well my car should be done some time soon and i will be participating in one of these for sure when it is.

yea i thought the guy on the bike (oasis?) was gonna get hit. And :tdown: to the kid in the celica from indiana passing all of us on that one straight away.

love modle T’s Hate guys 20 yrs older then already 100 yr old car lol

I wonder how it feels to be that guy that passes every one to impress your gf in your celica gt-s only to look over at XXXmph to someone winking at your gf then waving goodbye as they pass you

Sweet pics of the Z06 in action Mike! In the 2FD1Z06 pict I was coming down the straight and though it would be a nice shot and Damn! there it is!


No pics of my car :frowning:

I was only able to snag a few pictures here are some of the ones i did manage to take:

Arrived at 7am, and revved the SR to wake up the S1DC guys (Jesse, Chris, Cody and Eric) who camped on the track the night before.

We had the track to ourselves for a few hours until people really started to show up. Myself, Dan (happy240sx), Kevin with the 944 and the S1DC guys all had a few laps unfettered.

Then everyone else showed up:

lunch time… pasta, sweet potato’s, corn, beans, burgers, dogs, sausages, chips, tons of fresh fruit (strawberries, sliced pine apple, grapes, apples, cantalope) etc. etc.

The Icing on the Cake…lol… notice the Bing’s B on the hood.

My boy Ving tried to drive the T-rex but the seat wasnt adjustable, so he couldnt reach the pedals…lol

looks like a great time i wish i could have went

t-up to everyone who put this event together tho nice work

aww man u fuck up the miata before i could even get a run at you

Bing, do you have a pic of the BlownEuroz side of the cake? My camera corrupted JUST that file for some reason :frowning:

And this thread needs 100% more photos.

any pics of the cup lite car in action?


?.. theres 122 here, I dont think there where really that many people taking pics, micah and paulo Im sure have ALOT of editing to do before you see them, so this is probably about all everyone has right now.


ian i just got all the pics i could possibly find from your page just now lol

While there are nice pics there, none of the borrowed e30 sliding or smoking the tires, which is what I’m hoping to see atleast a couple pics of to judge myself on.

Well it sounds like your not the only one, like I said there 122 in my set alone, and others posted as well, so there are kinda alot of pics here

Well it sounds like your not the only one, like I said there 122 in my set alone, and others posted as well, so there are kinda alot of pics here