Summer START @ Dunnville Review / Pic's / Vid's / Thank You Thread!

Lol yeah sorry, I kinda missed the whole smoke show being in the food line for like and hour, Im sure micah and paulo are all over it and Im sure there well worth the wait…damn now Im pissed about missing that

i got e30 smokin tires, i think kyle and paulo do too…

im goin out right now, ill def have a shitload of pix tomorrow , esp if it RAINs out

Wow cute red head… :stuck_out_tongue: but boy the guy in the black shirt (blue writing) boy hes ugly… should never have rolled out from what ever car he was under…

Edit: Im working on uploading pic’s and vid but Photobucket is being gay…

Sweet Micah, thanks man! Sorry I didnt get to catch up with you guys at the track.

ya word there were a ton people talkin shit about that kid

I’ll definitely have to come out to the next one :tup:


anyone catch me in my blue coupe out there?

i was only out for maybe 10 laps in the afternoon.

Ugh I had a few shots, but my camera sux ass, the shutter was too slow and the zoom is weak, they where garbage

Newmans old car?
I didnt get any track shots but it looked nice sitting still…

^ word, I got one stading still

That was an awesome day and by the way…


I’m sorry…of course the burnout sucked because we smoked my clutch in a big way and decided we should just finish it off. Either way it was a blast and I learned a ton about my car and my driving abilities. Sorry to anyone who was trying to get past me and I didn’t move fast enough. I did get much better by the end of the day though. Thanks to the organizers, the cooks, flaggers and Dunnville for a great day!!!

hey the pictures uploaded finally…
my personal favorite^^
casualty on the trailer

The person doing the burnout in my car is actually Chuck… your welcome Chuck. I hope you enjoyed yourself.

I thought you did pretty well and you where vary good about pointing around… much better then the 944 that kept pointing me around on the wrong side…

This is for you TORQDSS!

thanks. i felt like i was driving like a grandma but i didn’t want to break the car and then i did anyway. I honestly did not think i would get to the level i did but it just felt good so i kept pushing the car harder and it was awesome. i’ll have bigger and better brakes next time as well as a new clutch

EDIT: Thank you!!! That picture is awesome… I just wish that was me instead of Chuck driving.

^ You def got alot better / faster as the day progressed.

But again, thats why you went, right? :slight_smile:

Yea… me & pat smelled your clutch the whole way home behind your car. But it got home, so :tup:

Smokeless, non moving picture wouldn’t have the same attitude that picture does. I kid I kid.

lol… i’m scared that Josh will post the video of me roasting my clutch

Eh. it’s only a clutch, right? Could have been worse!