Summer vacations?

Where ya’ll goin?

I got a couple weeks off in August, and am undecided where to go.

Somewhere in the Caribbean of course. I need lots of rum by the beach.

I will be going to the Greek Isles in 552 hours from now! For 7 weeks.

And here is what I get to travel in for 2 out of 7 weeks while Im there:

We are starting from the island of Chios and then we will make out way around to Ikaria, Samos, Mykonos, Paros, Naxos, Ios, Tinos,Santorini, Rhodes and then back to Chios.
We were going to go to Turkey for a few days too but since things are not too cool between Greece and Turkey again we scratched that one off the list.

I can’t wait :blue:
Im counting down the hours lol.
I need this vacation so bad, im pure stressed out and burned out to the max. it’s been a rough, rough year for me since last summer, so much shit has happened over the last 10 months and I really need to get away from it all, I really need this vacation.

Anyone else going to Europe this summer?

sneak me aboard.

And im still contemplating a trip to Europe, but im getting tired of seeing Europe. Kinda bores me.

Greece, Holland, Sweden and Iceland would be the only places id visit.

But id need more than 2 weeks.

i’ll be honeymoonin in Europe, already trying to book a tour at Ferrari in Modena.

other than that… vacations cost money that could otherwise make cars faster.

All over Europe or just Italy and a couple nearby countries?

Not modding or driving a car, is how i can afford a vacation.

I’m hitting up Sweden next week. I leave Thursday. Already got a tour of Koenigseggseggseggseggsegg booked.

Sneak peak of what I’ll be cruising in :wink:

We’ll also be going to the Nurburgring sometime during the week, and Japmeet at the end.

going to Vancouver… I’m tired of this side of the country. :slight_smile:

I ain’t… goin nowhere, I ain’t… goin nowhere, I can’t be stopped now, cuz it’s bad boyz fo laif!

Stefans car is hot!
damn you, I wanna go this year.
