I thought about it, but i dont think they would want a slow pickup truck there lol
His place is like 10 mintues over the Queenston-Lewiston bridge.
My camera is out for service right now, so I’ll be sticking to video. We could use his skills today with all these cars.
what time you guys showing up at mighty?
Leaving for mighty in a few min’s - see you guys there.
ahhh wwtf i just woke up
EDIT: cant go i dont have a battery charged and my cord is MIA
EDIT #2: no ferraris no interest
teheee jk
you goose!
Yo…you guys know where I can score some bullets?
No tip for you!
sorry N A T E!!! no bullets HERE!
^^^ hahaha. that was unbelievable
onyx wheres pics
here;s a pic jay
oh wait…
i think josh is working today, i wanna see the video clips, that shit is gonna be illlllllll
the cruise was bonkers boys, nice and slow with 70 cars…oh man
that is AMAZING
italian bistro at its finest!
anyone talk to patrick? did he get the full strip search at the border?
^^ lol…i think so.
i was behind him for a while…HAHA. then he had to pull over… so who knows what happened