Sunday 6/11 - Cruise to Bing's Niagara Meet - Mighty, 1pm Departure

I want to get there by 2pm-ish at the latest.

I’m leaving at 1pm sharp from Mighty on Sheridan, those who want to follow be on time :tup:

Reference THIS thread



I think I will be there

c ya there

i’m in if it’s not nice enough to go out on a boat.

Gonna make the effort to go.


I don’t wanna hear “Well no one said when they were leaving” :shrug:

if my car is clean, the weather is nice and i have enough gas… i’ll prob go…

ill be there

prob going

I will be there!

ou et la Elise?

Bump again. This is going to be the place to be tomorrow night - not taffy’s or mighty… come hang out with real drifters before the fast n the furious screws them.


the taffy’s scene is pretty sweet, lots of nice cars. there will be alot of pretty stock or otherwise unspectacular cars here but there will be alot of real drivers. unfortunately for you guys we did our real driving tonite already…

Excuse my ignorance, But is a certain club/group organizing this meet. Will this be a 95% import gathering? Interested in going, but not if i’m the only GM there.


It’s set up by - yeah there will be a lot of imports there, but still a good time if you’re looking for something different to do today :tup:

Hell, I’d go just for the buffet! :slight_smile:

corvettes are cool, bring that shit

i will be there with micahs bro. what bridge you plan to take onyx?

^^now all we need is mr micah mcgoose

yeah well you know mr professional photoman. hes too cool now to be caught with us average joes. :stuck_out_tongue: