Sunday night skate and shoots?

I need one. where is one. damnit.

I will be starting one up around April or so at Pepsi center-stay tuned!

interested as well…i play with you(98ss10) on saturday nights

I thought it said skeet and shoots.
I was like WTF? ;\

now theres an idea, perfect for sundays now that football is over :stuck_out_tongue:

really? who are you?

the one who shoots it into the rafters all the time :wink: j/k justin haha

i play depew from time to time. im the one in the yellow eagle gloves, or if I’m in net I have white/grey/black gear

yea i’ve only played a few times, i think the times i played i had a white avalanche jersey on

due to getting a new job i need something in the evenings, anyone know a good one w/ good people?

mondays 10pm riverside
wedesdays 10:30pm north buffalo (on tacoma by delaware, 1 block from hertel)

i run both skates, deys mine

im the guy that wears either forsberg or mcCarty jersey,red helemt, black gloves…usually play defense…

Oh, OK, hmm. Youve been there just about every week. is the other guy who wears the Saints jersey-Naab, on here too?

i thikn holiday has one 18+ $6 830 i wana say .i know thay had them last year .

yeah hes on here to…dont know his name…

These S&S’s are horrible when they say NOVICE they mean it! And the last time i checked it out there where WAY to many guys! not worth it.

yeah I cant do that shit