Suny Albany

They have to deal with about 5,000 Long Island “I just got my new fucking haircut” students all day, every day for a few weeks.

Wouldn’t you want to shoot yourself as well?

FYI The best bathroom on campus so far, is 2nd floor (from basement) Arts.

Not a lot of people know about it because of it’s location, and nobody goes to arts buildings anyway.

very true… and ill try to remember the bathroom spot… been looking for a nice one…
thank you sir!

did anyone see the silver 350z in front of colonial today around 11:30? had black wheels with a bronze lip on them… the car ruled!

i went there…6 years ago. damn i feel old…

i see that empire commons is still there and they put like a thousand watch for pedestrian signs on the road between that and colonial quad. i guess im suprised that freedom quad is still around.

how hard is it to get these stickers off?
i hate having to put stickers in the windows:( hopefully there not as bad as hvcc’s

just say you have tinted windows and they give you a hanger, that’s what I do (well I have tinted windows)

whats a hangar?looks like your too busy flyin them planes sarGENT

you mean hanger

what? you seein things :ninja

Time to end my life, Pete caught a typo of mine :(.

yeah youre pretty much fucked