Suny Albany

Mon, Wed, Fri = 11:20 -12:35
Thurs = 12:00 -1:15

I’ve just been driving around on my breaks so I can break-in my car. What do you guys drive and where do you normally park? I park wayyy out in Dutch so I don’t have to worry anyone parking next to me.

I park on the parking lot closest to washington ave… under the trees

i park in the northwest lot

I think thats where i park too… if you see a dumpy green accord, thats me

I parked there last year. It was always a bitch getting out of that lot at the end of the day

I park at Synapse:rofl

haha ill be on the lookout my first class is like 845 tomm so ill be there early…

and so far its not too bad to get out… im usually out by 130 at the latest though…


its right near colonial quad… theres a big sign by the entrance saying northwest lot! hahah

Im not very alive in the morning… most of the time before about 10 am I am wishing I was either sleeping or dead… but im out, 7 am is gonna come early

haha sounds good… maybe ill see you around!

So parking fees suck when you have 3 vehicles you use.

And they always catch you if you got no sticker.

Who else paid hundreds in parking fees over the years?

They really catch you if you don’t have a sticker? I’ve been parking here for 5 days so far.:rofl
What do they do when they catch you?

What I do is drive around until I see a ticketed car. Take the ticket off the windshield. Park my car in an extremely convenient illegal spot. Put the ticket from the other car under my wiper. Then proceed to enjoy my day.

Lot to learn my friend

I got lucky last year, parked my bike in the garage all year and didn’t get a ticket till the second to last week of classes, so I just used my temporary passes from my car for the rest of the year haha. Appealed that ticket and didn’t have to pay.

I just registered both this year…$40

First week or so they are lenient and let people slide as they know it’s a disaster to try to get a parking permit at the start of thr semester when the line is a hundred people long.

Been there, done that, got away with it for a while, the car was even the same model and color ad mine, well to my surprise I came out one day to find two tickets on the windshield and I knew I only put the one…

:rofl I remember you telling me about that…best idea ever

Read above :ahh

i had to go get a temporary tag for tomorrow… is it just to me or are all of the ladies in there always mad about something???
i didn’t know my i.d number and she got all frustrated about it… then she filled it out for today’s date and not tomorrow… i was happy to point it out to her! hahah

damn I’m looking for tickets tomorrow