Suny Albany

I’m there too… campus seems awesome so far!
makes me wish that i did go away so i could live on a campus somewhere… seems to beat the hell out of driving there everyday

commuting sucks, part of the reason why i hate HVCC i feel like im still in highschool

What year are you?

Buy a bike, makes commuting enjoyable.

That’s what got me through college :lol

Living on campus is great, if your parents are paying for it.

im a junior… transferred from hvcc…

want to major in business but my g.p.a was barely off… so I’m an intended psych major for this semester and im trying to get into business next semester.

I missed my Business major by .01 of a GPA.

Whatever happened to rounding up? :Idiots

what classes are you taking this semester?

not even “hating” i honestly feel kind of bad for commuters. there’s quite a few at my school just because there’s obviously a shit load of people in the bronx and they’re just “left out” a lot. i know its a little bit different because like 85% of the people at my school live on campus compared to HVCC which is obviously 0%, but still, its a completely different feel from highschool where you hang out with a lot of people in school and then a relatively small amount outside of school, living on campus you’re with the same people all the time in a lot of different environments (classroom, eating, hanging out, sports, frisbee/hackisack(sp?)/wiffleball in the courtyards, bars/parties, etc etc etc). sounds like it would get boring but with a few thousand (4 i think?) people in the bronx campus alone highly doubt it will. its a different and cool setting that you can only really get for 4 or 6 or whatever years of your life. you’re not going to get that in elementary or high school, or in the workplace, you know what i mean?

i dunno, kind of a rant, but the kramerbuttz suggestion of the day is to for sure live on campus if you can. at first i didnt know why caz or dkid would caus they live so close to their schools but now it makes sense and i’d feel bad for them if they didnt lol

my classes im not too happy with… i ended up waiting till the last minute to do my schedule so all my classes were chosen because there happened to be empty seats…
so unless i find some better classes with an open seat my schedule is …

china in the post utopian age.
Latino USA
Psychology of child development
Statistical methods in psych
Comparative and international politics

and yes i have no idea what happened to rounding up… i was really looking forward to some more interesting classes… REALLY want to get out of latino usa and that china class…

holy fuck those classes suck :lmao

haha yah… it took me two years to learn that i gotta stop waiting till the last minute to choose classes, youl have a pm soon sir

and you are basing this on absolutely nothing… god damn giraffes

i dont know they just sound really dry to me.

oh and smoosh definitely join the murrdog crusade ( i assume that is what that PM will be about :lol)

word to the big bird…

yeah i really have to stop waiting! hahaha!
the psych class isnt too bad… the child development one at least…
the rest… ill be waiting to see… im doing next semesters ASAP

I’m a criminal justice major, sociology minor…

RCRJ 351
ASOC 325
ASOC 350
ASOC 362

It will be a fun semester. NOT

when does everyone have breaks?

tuesday and thursday 11-1 are my only breaks but thursdays im done with classes at 2:35

are you a junior or a senior?

did not read