supercharger is done!



or go with a 454 iron small block.

that depends on wether your racing or seeing who spent more money on their car… you play the hand your delt. you know. some ppl cant afford as sweet of a car as you Z so the hyundai is wat they make fast. i’d def take the Z over the hyundai but id rather pay for the hyundai

^ agree



not everything is about money

the most appreciative people in this world have nothing.

im down for anything once i geta gd tranny back in my car… the LS is a little onetire fire happy… especially on the upped boost. dont feel like shooting the diff out.

Oh come on thats where the fun is at

What can that block take power wise (take out boost) before upgrade is necessary?

Theres no set #, but when they 1st came out people were having a hard time keeping them together at 6XXwhp, now some people are above that, but the tune is CRUTIAL!

Guess RLMS has done a pretty dam good job on this car then. this guys not afraid to use the car as intended and it always seems ready to perform.

I agree.

yes sir, the car runs good! I am deffiantly down for a race w/ team teal! And as for the hyundai talk im done w/ that, if i wanted a fast hyundai i could sell my vette and build an entire fleet of them for all my buddies to play crash up derby in a field!

to some people money isnt everything

a car thats fast, whether its a POS or not…is respectable in my opinion.

yah ok mr. i8ur vtec! i work my cock off for everything i have, sorry i like NICE fast shit, if it was all about $$ id sell my other 4 vehicles and roll in a underground racing TT gallardo. if you like the hyundai so much, go fucking buy 1, i could prolly put a tt ls7 in my riding lawn tractor to and mop up everything, but in the end it would still be a lawn tractor…

I agree with ya tony… But the element of surprise was awesome!!!


yes, suprising for sure!

If you put a ttls7 in a lawn mower I want to ride it

Yeah, Howard did a nice job! Tony isnt your “average 60yr old vette owner” :lol