Superstar not so super

Just a heads up when making deals with Superstar

He posted a KA24DE + transmission and ECU awhile ago for just a case of Heineken - I thought that was decent of him so I offered double what he was asking
When I showed up in the morning Allain (Superstar) wasn’t there yet but I helped the mechanic out with the final stage of the pull. Once it was pulled, Tony the mechanic started taking off the tranny which was a little confusing, I told him the tranny was part of the deal but he said it stays. Once Superstar showed up he said he’d get me one shortly, within several weeks. When asked about the 269xxx odo on the car after he advertised 190xxx km on the motor he said the original engine blew after 40k and this one was the replacement - what about the other 39xxx km you ask? Well I didn’t bother to call his lie out in front of him because I needed a 5 spd tranny badly. I emailed him a short while later and he tells me off saying he was selling the package for a friend lol. He tells me he’ll get me a 5 spd tranny in 1 month out of a car doing a swap. After waiting and texting and emailing - no tranny - I get a text saying car was sold good luck with 240.

Bottom line - Superstar is untrustworthy and a liar - be careful when dealing with him

And just in case 2jzs13 replies to this thread, I and the rest of the SON community are pretty sure they’re buddies

ouch… sorry to hear that mate

You payed a case of beer for it what did you expect…

Why the hell did you offer double in the first place!!!

Take your lose, move on.

Wow, sad to hear but it happens quite a bit.

Learn from your mistake from now on. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

That does suck. Yet, you got an engine for a case of beer? Psh. I wouldn’t of even said anything really. LoL

yo my dealing with him was good!! i got my conversion SS brake lines with no issues

even still you got an engine for a case of beer… and gave up money cause he promised you the motor
sorry about your luck on the transmission but you didnt have real money

Just because the buyer got an engine for beer doesn’t justify shading dealings.

“You get what you paid for?” - that’s exactly the kind of mentality that promotes scams and rip-offs. In that case, any person can sell a product and not care about repercussions.

Try that in the real business world and see what the results are. Maybe not the first time, or the second time but eventually, one messes with the wrong party and the results are not pretty.

yea sounds to me like your just an ungrateful brat!! the dude did you a solid!! and you calling him out!!

lol x2 what gts said

Are you talking about the engine out off his car? If you are I bought the hole car.

yeah ill third GTS’ post.


Superstar didnt even know that the mechanic was going to take the transmission till last second like you… im not trying to take sides but case of beer for a motor and ECU is a hell of a deal…imo

Just to emphasize the point.

I agree, it’s a good deal, but the ‘seller’ still changed the terms after the deal was made. Whether it was a ‘too good to be true’ offer or not, if he changed the deal, it’s scammy and nothing changes that.

Initially I DID expect an engine PLUS tranny and when what he was asking for was just a case of Heineken I thought that was pretty decent of him which is why I offered 2. Paying $92 bucks for a 5 spd tranny alone is a great deal so why not throw him 2 cases? I thought that would be generous. He assured me he’d get me a tranny (which I only half-expected at that point) so it was really a waste of my time to wait around for him for a month when he told me several times that he was just waiting to pull a tranny out of a car for me.

Just to clarify I’m not bitching about this deal whatsoever - my point is that Superstar is shady, a liar, and untrustworthy - take my advice or don’t, I couldn’t care less.

Since he is all that, I really don’t think that engine actually worked so I gave the tech department a call at Durham College in Whitby and they gladly accepted the engine as a donation for their students to pick at.

I think ending on that note I got more gratification out of this deal than Superstar did - it’s too bad really, it makes me question the credibility of his buddy Tony’s shop on the corner of Kennedy and Eglington - I might have gotten some work done there.

Just to set things straight i dont even know this superstar guy and have never even heard of him!

My sincere apologies on the mistake, it was hearsay that you were friends

Tony shop is wicked, knows his shit about Nissans so if things go wrong thats where u want to go. i live in mississauga and i go all the way there to get my car handled!! you cant come down on a shop for your deal that went bad… i do understand what your are saying still

Who’s superstar?

I definitely won’t disagree with you there - Tony hands-down knows his shit, his shop and setup is great - his s13 with the 2jz is awesome and honestly, if I didn’t have this bad taste in my mouth over Allain (Superstar) disrespecting me with all those insults and burning me, my car would be there getting some wrench time right now