Suspicious activity at UB South, possible shooter?

Nah, it was just me.

Yesterday, I got to school around 10am to get some work done, mainly to plot some drawings. I ended up being there for quite a while. Finally, at ~3pm, I plotted my drawings. At this point, it was pouring outside. My dumbass left my drawing tube at home, so being the clever student I am, I rolled up the drawings and stuck them in the sleeve of my jacket.

All is well, I leave, and make it all the way to my truck, which is parked halfway across campus. I get soaked, but the drawings are ok.

So today rolls around, and we all get this email:

[COLOR=navy]As you may already know there was a report
yesterday afternoon of the sighting of a person in Hayes Hall carrying
something under their coat which has caused some concern. The police
responded and, as the Chief of Police has noted,:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=navy][/COLOR]Our officers did a thorough search
of the area, but we did not find anyone fitting the description. We
increased our presence on the south campus for the afternoon strictly as a
precaution and notified Residential Life & Facilities to advise their staff
on the south campus.

[COLOR=navy]We are not able to
confirm this call and it may have been a student with a project under
their coat as several students were observed doing this during the heavy
rain. However, we appreciate the student calling in this information;
this is exactly what we are asking our university community to do. We
will increase our presence on the south campus in response to these concerns.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=navy]”[/COLOR]
Hooray, I caused an increased police presense!

they must have seen your hitler sig an knew you were up to trouble…lol

lol. this is hilarious because i knew that this was gonna be the outcome.

“architecture student gets beat down by cops. large drawings are ruined and student fails final project”

Lol, good job.

aaahahahah thats sweet


nice job carl

Should I turn myself in?


Should I turn myself in?


Even though you have nothing to hide you might be asking for more trouble than you want with the recent activites at va tech

I actually saw two UB squad cars in route to south campus yesterday. In route meaning, driving towards the school a few blocks away.


Should I turn myself in?


They would investigate you and question you then say thanks when it all checks out. so whats the point to much of a hassle


Im sure some asshole from here will report it

So I may as well do it. Ill call them saturday, as I have a review tommorow

hahahahahahahahahah carl thats f’in hilarious

it would be funny to print out a huge picture of a rifle on 36x48" paper, roll it up, and walk around with it in your jacket lol


Now its been escalated to a sighting of a person with a gun…

University Police received a call Wednesday afternoon (April 25) of a possible person with a gun on the South (Main Street) Campus. The witness observed someone with what appeared to be a gun wrapped in a shirt under a coat. University officers did a thorough search of the area, but did not find anyone fitting the description. UB Police increased its presence on the South Campus for the afternoon strictly as a precaution and notified University Residence Halls and Apartments and University Facilities to advise their staff on the South Campus.

University Police were not able to confirm the sighting and concluded it may have been a student with a project wrapped in clothing. Several students were observed doing this during a heavy rain. University Police appreciates the cooperation of the student who called in the sighting; this is exactly what they are asking the UB community to do if they observe suspicious activity.

for christs goddamn sake, im going to put an end to this tomorrow and call the UBPD

wish me luck…

i would not do it, u did nothing wrong. it not ur fault people are to dumb to but 2 and 2 together


i would not do it, u did nothing wrong. it not ur fault people are to dumb to but 2 and 2 together


Nah, I think he needs to come forth, because money is being wasted, as well as peoples time.

hahahha thats awesome

And if you really wanted to do bad, you could of done it for a good few minutes before the cops put down the doughnuts and drove there.

Carl; this wasn’t you. there was a separate incident.

a friend of mine was the one who saw it. it was wednesday I believe.

my buddy said he saw a guy walking around with a rifle wrapped in a t-shirt. someone else saw it too. this was probably around noon.

my buddy went to the cops, etc. i guess there was a student recently kicked out of the department. a nd he was kinda off his rocker anyway; i guess a prof gave him a bad grade one semester so he made posters and hung them up all over bashing this guy, and started a bunch of trouble. so since he just got kicked out, they think he might be after this one professor

i think they’re seperate incidents man