switching Verizon phone

I want to switch my Verizon phone so I’m wondering if there is a charge to do that if I don’t buy the phone from Verizon. Also does it restart my contract?

the phone you are swithing to, do you physically have it right now (as in do you own it?)

you can try the online switcher, or you can come see me at my store tomorrow, as we dont charge for that.

customer service/corp stores charge $20

and then $10 to switch your numbers (another thing we dont charge for)

Also, if my sister is on a family plan with me how would that work as far as me getting on a voice and data plan? Do I have to add her or do I have to get a separate data?

If, hypothetically, someone gave you a phone or you bought it 3rd party (aka ebay etc) you just pay an “Activation” fee - since unlike GSM phones, Verizon CDMA services don’t utilize SIM cards - they have to be activated / switched at the carrier (at least, that’s been my experience with it). Shouldn’t change your contract.

However, if you bought one at the store and used the “new ever 2” deal - you are renewing your contact in order to receive the discount.


If, hypothetically, someone gave you a phone or you bought it 3rd party (aka ebay etc) you just pay an “Activation” fee - since unlike GSM phones, Verizon CDMA services don’t utilize SIM cards - they have to be activated / switched at the carrier (at least, that’s been my experience with it).



you can try the online switcher, or you can come see me at my store tomorrow, as we dont charge for that.

customer service/corp stores charge $20

and then $10 to switch your numbers (another thing we dont charge for)


Oh. :slight_smile:

What I mean is the plan though. This is a different plan with data & Voice as opposed to just a voice plan.

dont need to worry bout her line. just add the data bundle on. have my store do it so you have a reciept.

(this way outweighs the difference in cost, as long as you are on a family share plan, than going to a “choice” bundle, which would move your sister over to a single line plan)

I’ve bought about 4 phones off eBay, and activated them myself without ever having to call verizon. It doesnt cost a penny and it doesnt restart your contract. Sign up on the verizon wireless website. On the bottom of your homepage you will see a picture of your current phone. Next to it there will eb a link where you can change your phone. Have the ESN number handy (the back of the battery), usually in HEX or ( i think a 10 digit number). It will ask you to punch in that number to activate with further instructions.

Piece of cake.


I’ve bought about 4 phones off eBay, and activated them myself without ever having to call verizon. It doesnt cost a penny and it doesnt restart your contract. Sign up on the verizon wireless website. On the bottom of your homepage you will see a picture of your current phone. Next to it there will eb a link where you can change your phone. Have the ESN number handy (the back of the battery), usually in HEX or ( i think a 10 digit number). It will ask you to punch in that number to activate with further instructions.

Piece of cake.


doesnt always work as easy as this, which is why i do it for free.

That’s cool, just wanted to give the straight answer based on what I’ve actually done. What have you experienced to think it’s not as easy as that? The steps were so damn short and simple I can’t think of any scenario that can go wrong other than activating a stolen phone. It takes me all but 5 minutes to do and never had an issue, and I’ve done it myself at least 4 times ( I gotta stop throwing phones).

Not butting heads with ya, you said you can do it for free anyway, just want to make sure if there is something, you can educate me so (god forbid ) I need to activate another phone, I don’t end up in a bind.

any service the evolve provides is not a rip off.


any service the evolve provides is not a rip off.


That wasn’t being questioned, especially on the fact he’s doing it for free. I’m curious out of my own sake. I don’t want to f’ anything up.

there are certain phones that require a feature called “premium network service access”. its a zero charge, but all EVDO phones require it, and its something the esn changer cant do as of yet (IIRC)

Ahh. Actually, my latest and greatest toy is the xv6700. When I went to do the online thing the last screen told me I needed to call in to complete it. I just figured I hit a benchmark on the number of phones I changed in a short amount of time. That would make more sense though :slight_smile:

must be why I always had to call (hence my comments) - it was on a BlackBerry…


there are certain phones that require a feature called “premium network service access”. its a zero charge, but all EVDO phones require it, and its something the esn changer cant do as of yet (IIRC)


I will need to do this exact thing in a few days (add new phone to verizon account, and network plan). Where is your store located?

123 Grey St
East Aurora NY 14052


In the tops plaza. rick, pm me the model of the phone you want and i will see if i can get it. i can now do every discount corp can do.

Already got the phone JEff (6700), just need to activate it on my account.

o word, yea come on in here or to our lockport store. if you go to lockport i will make sure i talk to the manager up there so they take care of ya
