shoot me a message when that happens.
will do man!
Sxy when do you leave? love to check out your vette.
not til nov…we’ll have all summer man! nice to know you’re on corvetteforum too lol
dude i keep forgetting nick is going to , i wanna forget that . he is prolly one of my closest friends from here , he and u better come home safe or meatpaws is goin postal in the taliban land
which nick?
was very nice to finally put a face with the car and screen name.
haha no doubt man! cant wait to see the RX-7 when its done!
Grats on the buy man, thing is sex!
Thanks! Can’t wait to get home and drive the beast!! Lol
i wanna off my C5 for a C6! Nice car dude.
Im on the Vett forum also BradsDCM
LT1~LS1 is my LS1tech name opps
ill trade ya a niceeeeee ltwon camaro for that vette .
Anytime, I wouldn’t be able to wait either :lol
do it up man! join the C6 crowd!!
yea a few more hours til im poppin wood off in it again lol
sxytime forgot all about singh =/
no i didnt, i love my half-indian =P :hug