T. Boone Pickens

Interesting. More on the funding of the Pickens Plan (at the bottom):



  1. Private industry funds the installation of thousands of wind turbines in the U.S. wind corridor, providing 20 percent or more of the nation’s electricity supply.

  2. The private sector builds power transmission lines to bring the wind-generated electricity to population centers in the South, West and Midwest.

  3. The natural gas that has historically fueled power plants in those regions is redirected to the transportation system to replace imported gasoline and diesel fuel.

As long as the funding doesn’t come from federal taxes, I guess 1 and 2 sound like pretty good ideas. Not sure about directly replacing fossil fuel burning cars with CNG though. Can gas powered cars be converted easily (and inexpensively) to CNG? I don’t know much about that. Or, would it be anticipated that consumers will buy new CNG cars since the fuel is expected to be much cheaper?