tachi? anyone?

had my first class taking tachi and its basic concept is self defense with out using your muscles… and not actaully thinking…

anybody into martial arts?

sick of getting beat up/? j/k, I did tae kwon doe when i was like 16. I used to compete alot, but I don’t remember shit 10 years later. Have fun but don’t expect any of it to be useful in a fight for years and untiol it feels natural. Your body will fight in the most natural way it can.

im taking it cause my friend aug is a personal trainer… he offer’d… and im up for learning anything…

I took like 3 months of Tae Kwon Do when I was younger… wish I hadn’t quit. I’d like to take something like that again, never know when it might come in handy.

I took tang soo do for 3 1/2 years, still have my uniform with the belts. Its just was too expensive to continue. testing for belts every 4 months and goin to retarded tournaments was big time $

Tang Soo Do is the shit

just run at the bastard screaming and flaling your arms in circles :wink:

My favorite form of self-defense is CORBON! :dunno:

tachi wtf my grandma does that 3 days a week…

grow some ball and learn some moi tie

I’m a master of Kung Fu. My open fist crane style is superior.


I took thai chi through school once… It was funny I had this little foreign guy that was good at showing us some moves. It helped me out with balance.

If you speed it up with another person it actually shows you some martial arts, that was pretty neat.

This guy was a hoot, he use to say that American people are so beautiful because we are one of the few countries with access to oranges!

tai chi? the shit is pretty crazy from what i understand. it’s the soft counter part of kung-fu. i’m sure if one practiced both, serious damage could be done. a friend of mine studied both, and would blend some of his tai chi moves while sparring in his kung-fu class. he said he was able to do pretty well agaisnt some of the black belts this way, even though he was at a much lower rank.

i’m taking a tae kwon do class this semester. it’s pretty cool, and keeps my ass off of the couch, atleast one night a week. where are you studying tai chi? sounds like fun, keep us posted!

My friend is a personal trainer and comes to my house on saturday mornings… so far i can say im actaully very impressed and the things i learned in the first 2 weeks are well worth 20$ a session and all i gotta do is get out of bed by 10… train till 12… practice/ till the next sat

but anyway… i recommend this to anyone.