taco bell resignation letter

Resignation letter received 11/18 by a Pikeville, KY, Taco Bell Manager
Dear Dave,

As requisite by contract of employment, I hereby give you two weeks’ notice of my intention to leave my position as night drive-through cashier.

I have determined that now is the time to continue the journey of this life. Advancing nearer to the realization of my professional and personal goals, I have accepted a position at the Waffle House. This was not a painless decision and took extensive contemplation, but I deem it a thrilling step onward and one that I desperately wish you will fully appreciate and support. Either way, I am convinced that my new role as seating host/day cashier will be progress toward some of my dreams for the food service industry, which I now regard as my true calling since birth.

I am cognizant that my notice period is two weeks, but I am eager to join Waffle House - and thus embark on this new leg of my vocational voyage - at the earliest date. Therefore, I am issuing a heartfelt appeal for the waiver of this notice period and the relief of my money-collection duties without delay. However, in deference to the many months of fine treatment I have received from Taco Bell, I also am wholly aware that the critical nature of my task here means that the time to transfer these essential responsibilities may exceed the contractual notice period of two weeks. If this were your determination, I would be disposed to negotiate an extension of the notice period, with the understanding that remuneration and other benefits will be calculated to account for this arrangement. I will slave tirelessly assist in the frictionless transition of the commitments of my service before departure, this I assure you.

In the event you have any future need for my burgeoning skills in the area of restaurant management, I would carefully mull over a prospective homecoming once I have accumulated significant experience in the field and am satisfactorily acquainted with the enigmatic nuances of this sometimes-nebulous trade. In the meantime, I desire for both you and Taco Bell admirable fortune, and I humbly bestow my gratitude upon you for having me as a key contributor of your contingent.

Yours without equivocation,
Jose Trelilla

I think Jose is fucking hIgh on PCP.

Then he’s well spoken for being flying high

I think if Jose was high on PCP he’d be smearing taco meat and cheese on his face and grinning maniacally…

PCP doesn’t really facilitate written elegance.

Looks like it was copied right off an online tutorial.

No one writes a 2-week notice to Taco Bell like that.

lol… no one making less than $8/hour usually bothers with two weeks notice, let alone WRITTEN notice.

noone writes letters like that period. Mine were all 2 sentences and that was it. You are leaving who gives a fuck about the letter.

wafflehouse rules
ill take my hashbrowns smothered and covered.

I wrote a fairly decent one for Lone Star, until I decided they were too much of assholes to deserve any notice whatsoever.

the most I ever wrote for a resignation letter was “this is my two weeks notine for resignation of the job of *** at *** company. thank you for the opportunity.”

any more is just a waste IMHO

i wrote a decent letter… giving some insight as to why you are leaving will help the company or convery your angst against it… mine was a little of both.

when i worked at taco bell in high school, i quit on a friday night without any notice because i was trying to get some ass of this one chick i was scheming on for awhile… and couldnt get that night off. lol

i told them just to fuck off and walked out!!!

who, LoneStar??

yep the one in robinson …
i owed the irs and had to get a part time job to pay them off but i ended up paying them with out it

i cant believe i read that piece of garbage