Taking a little trip....

OK so as most of you know, I only build Quad 4’s, GM’s 4 banger from the early 90’s.

Well I found an Achieva SCX W41 packaged Oldsmobile just north of Detriot for sale.

To make the trip easier, mapquest wants me to cut through Canada, it shaves 150 miles and 2 hours off the trip compared to having to drive through Ohio and back up into Michigan.


I’m taking my 20ft enclosed trailer and I’m wondering if Ill get any trouble at the border?

I have all necessary paperwork for the trailer, and its legit on the road.

The car will have all the necessary paper work as well once I pick it up.

I figure there shouldn’t be any problems if I’m going into Canada with an empty trailer, coming out of Canada with an empty trailer. Then picking up the car and entering Canada with it, and leaving Canada with the car, they shouldn’t give me any touble?

Can anybody shed some light for me?

screw what most people will tell you…pm chris walker…search for xwalkerx…works boarder/customs…he will give the right answer

Wasnt this asked a week ago??? No you wont have any trouble. Many people have made this trip including myself and its no problem.

Sorry if it was a re-post, I didn’t ask it a week ago, someone else might have.

My only other question is, can I just go over the border like I would regularly with the truck and trailer or is there like a certain lane or bridge I have to take?

I went through the normal lane over the Queenst - Lew bridge and then the one right outside of Detroit with no hassle. Just take the normal lanes and dont be exporting 30lbs of coke and you should be fine.