Taking off dirt from motors

There is a cleaner called ‘Goof Off’ that works well.

It worked well enough to get 35 year old dirty off of my dad’s blown truck engine!


This is what we use at work (to clean very dirty shop floors. i had some in a water bottle for a week and it eat through it.

And after you breath it in for to long it will make you wana throw up the next time you just get a wiph of it hehe.

good stuff.

Oh and wash it off you skin fast as well or you will get a rash for like a week. and dont get it in your eyes!

2 words kiddies

oven cleaner.

at work i use this stuff called super de gooper and it works wounder for takeing Tar and spraypaint and pretty much anything off of anything iv never used it on the block but im shure it would work pretty dam good sorta the same thing as gas but like better

ill post pics when i finish!!

looks like a clean engine to me i don’t know why you would bother.

Best is to actually use diesel. When I had my own engine shop I used that to clean off most of the garbage that was there. It works really well actually. Any you don’t have to worry about it getting into bad spaces.

lol, Nice one! :slight_smile: