Taking off Plastic Security Tags from Clothes?

NO i DID NOT steal them…

im packing for vaca and i noticed one of the pairs of shorts i bought about a year ago (no receipt) didn’t get the security tags taken off.

does anybody know how to take them off with out the handy little tag taker offer machine?


try and get some wire clippers and clip the metal pin?

be careful not to cause it to spill the ink though


i thought they might have ink. ugh

wear them with the tag…its the new style

take it in to a store that doesnt sell that shirt or whatver and tell them you need it removed.


if its not ink, just pull it off. a hard tug and they come right out. or you can cut the plastic away from the pin and pull the pinhead through the cloth, it leaves a tiny hole though. if its ink then i dunno. that shit sucks, it gets everywhere.

isn;t there like a magnetic pin or something?

get a strong magnet and go at it

grind off the head of the pin (on the side with the circular plastic piece) and and just pull the plastic straight off.

stop stealing !!!

pic of security tag so we can look better

I’d say take off a hack saw blade, and just cut the pin into 2.

bad idea, can’t do that without destroying the clothes.

I thought they were magnetic too? :shrug:

pictures of the stolen merchandise so i can inform them of the thief thats been stealing from them

hahah bill, should of brought it in here.

You can also do it by wrapping a rubber band around the small pins side repeatedly, they work based on pressure being applied to a specific spot. A rubber band will distribute the pressure evenly and vertically and cause it to pop off.