How to remove insignias safely??

Anyone have a good way to remove insignias without damaging the paint? I’ve tried using dental floss to cut at the adhesive, but it is getting nowhere fast.

put a rag over a flat head screw driver…works every time…and diesnt mess up paint

i read fishing line works too/

Use a hairdryer to heat up the adhesive, then use fishing line like you use dental floss and keep heating it. Then once it the badging is off, you have to use goo-gone or some type of soap to remove the remaining adhesive.

yea goo-gone works awesome once u have the badging off

If you had a GM vechicle the just fall/peel off. :bloated:

a flat credit card type thing

what if its like a honda and has rivits… your credit card trick isnt going to work so well.

it happens to be an acura. they rivet the shit on?!? bastards! anyone know for sure?

you wont have a clean hood/hatch with out body work if you remove them

i had my shit shaved when it was in for paint.


what i did and it turned out sexcellent

im just replacing them, the front one looks like ass. i’ll try the hairdryer thing and report the results.

yea, the hair dryer should melt the metal holding them on :slight_smile:


i’ll use a torch, then!!! MUAHAHAHAHHAAAA!!! :shoot:

Hair dryer if your a pussy
Heat gun if you have some idea what your doing

what sound does a metal frog make?


gota love the RANDOM POST BY JACK!!!

dull butter knike

heat guns are for pussies to … wave a torch at the bitch ! (yes ive done it)