"Taking out the Asian Clam before it takes over Lake George "

Seriously, that’s the title you used? :rofl

Taking out the Asian Clam before it takes over Lake George

                                                                                                                      LAKE GEORGE--Monday was the beginning, of what many hope  is the end, to the Asian Clam's visit in Lake George.  A handful of the  mollusks were likely dumped there three years ago and now they cover 5  acres of the lake's bottom.
  "Here in Lake George we identified that the clams were  introduced early enough--we have the potential to eradicate them,"  explains lead researcher Sandra Nierzwicki-Bauer of RPI's Darrin Fresh  Water Institute.
  The Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea) quickly grows from  microscopic organism to nickel sized and reproduces two times a year.  A  single clam puts out between 2,000 and 8,000 offspring that create an  algae that dramatically alters water quality.
  "Once the water temperatures rise they begin to  reproduce for the season and we will have more clams and they will  spread," adds Nierzwicki-Bauer.
  In order to kill them, researchers have to attach  weighted mats to the infected floor of the lake and cover the beds  entirely.  The 50x7 PVC covers are supposed to suffocate the clams.
  "The clams will come out of the sediment as oxygen  levels get lower and die at the surface," says Peter Bauer of The Fund  for Lake George.
  Researchers assigned to the project consider the system  benign; meaning it will have little impact on the other aquatic species  that live in Lake George.  
  But it's the impact, outside the water, that will be most significant, claim supporters.
  "Lake George is the single most economic asset of Warren  County...this is an investment in protecting that important asset,"  maintains Bauer.  
  The mats will be removed in July and the process might have to be repeated next fall.  Each treatment costs $400,000.


That title’s fanfreakintastic.

I didn’t realize the troubles they were facing with potentially being overrun by the Asian Clam.

How bout times unions :rofl

(insert) muff"Divers targeting Asian clams"

Asian clam is taking over.

Hmmm not a big fan of the Asian Clam.


the damn chinese are taking over our water now too.

That title is pure awesomeness.

someone want to explain how some PCV pipe, a tarp, and some weight cost $400,000 to motorboat (giggidy) into the lake and dump overboard? EVERY TIME they want to do it?

Fuel? :lol

hahahah true. whats fuel per gal on that fucking lake at a marina? like $12 a gal? lol

cause the smart people at RPI told them to.

I love Asian clam. I could eat it everyday.

preferrably Korean

I love having many asian clams in my mouth at once.

i heard asian clam is sidewayz.

wouldve been even funnier if it was Canadian instead of Asian

wow this sucks.

making cracks at rpi now…i see how its gonna be…

I love asian clams …

This is why we stopped selling invasive species at my job . Apple snails,snakeheads etc. Even catching fuckin oscars and south american cichlids in the mohawk/hudson now days.