Tax cuts...

If the federal government was a company, the investors would have walked away long ago.

Tax cuts= more money for everyone who pays them. I’m not 100% sure on the figure but I do beleive that the top 10% pay like 50% of the taxes.

He said 10% may not be right, and the elimination of the IRS and other “tax” organizations would reduce the budget significantly, the whole point of the flat tax is to eliminate waste so we do not need the same tax income we generate now. Do you know how much we spend collecting taxes?

Oh yeah, most Americans spend MORE than they make.

The flat tax arguement has been going on since the Carter administration.

So much to cover without being so long that nobody will read it.

A sales tax has a much larger effect on the normal people than the rich. A middle class american spends a much much much larger portion of their income on sales taxable items than a rich person.

Social security is capped and is a much larger percentage of income for middle class than the wealthiest americans.

Any usage tax or “sin” tax is biased towards the middle class percentage wise. Bill gates cannot smoke more cigarettes or drink more booze than you. He also cannot use more gasoline than you proportional to income.

A business owner can also depreciate for tax purposes properties that are actually appreciating in value.

The worth of the richest americans lies not in cash but in the value of their businesses.

Just because when you look at the tax table on your income tax booklet and see that the highest income bracket has the biggest number doesn’t mean that they are paying more of what they make.

Which they built, and can’t get without selling. Or tax them too much and they’ll leave.

Is that a bible reference or something :wtf:

…no place in modern society, at least thats what people tell me.

Firstly if you read the Bible you would see that it is the truth of human nature that makes perfect sense in any society.

Secondly a sin tax refers to a tax on cigarettes and booze. it’s a common term, not something I made up.

bottom line is - the gov is way too fucking big and spends way to fucking much. And they are going to get their tax money no matter if it’s the current way or the new flat tax way, or even some fancy new tax system not even thought up yet.

Until the size of the goverment gets cut in half or more, there is no way to fix the tax problem. And the people that make the rules and laws are goverment employees, do you think they will vote to get rid of their own job? It’s a downward spiral that started a long time ago and will not stop until the country is completely fucked up and dissolves or gets taken over.

I just need to get a job with the goverment and ride it until it either falls or I retire. If you can’t beat them, join them. :smiley:

Good Summary. I’ve talked to some people with gov jobs, and the concensus is…easy as balls, do very little work.