My girlfriends parents took her w2’s told her they had her aunt file her taxes and they were taken care of. Now she just found out they claimed her as a dependent and got the extra $300 for having her as a dependent so she wont be getting the $600 check. Is there anything she can do? she was dormed at college most of the year and then moved in with me and hasnt really lived at home so i dont know how thwy would be able to claim her as a dependent they didnt pay for college all the loans were in her name and she lived in olean while attending.
To Bad SO Sad out of luck.
I dont know her situation and I dont know how old she is but Im sure she got more than 600 dollars from her parents in a lifetime.
It sucks that they did that but hey they are the parents and can do what they want.
yes you call the state and tell them what happened show proof of where you live by mail or fax then wait to be contacted and go from there, happened to a girl i work with just this year.
Post nudes. That’s about it. :shrug:
^ I like your style.
Is the $600 rebate check really worth screwing over family?
That’s the first question to be answered.
my mom did this to me and i ended up owing 400 back
as long as she is under 23 and still in school, your gf can’t do shit
Haha well they could be , nah she claimed me with out telling me and it double my required tax rate and i ended up owing 400
Yes she can. It is illegal to claim someone as a dependent that isn’t a dependent.
Of course as previously stated, if she informs the IRS that her parents did this, she’ll get her $600 but they’ll get fucked big time. Not only will they have to pay for whatever they saved by having her as a dependent, but they might also have to pay a penalty for doing so and could also be subject to an audit on present and past tax filings.
living away from home doesn’t mean that your not a dependant, if her parents still pay a certain part of her expenses, then she is still a dependant. That includes, health coverage, food, car, gas…