Tax return v.2008

I owed $270. why give the government an interest free loan when they can give you one?

What was the surprise?
You didn’t know about the 4 years back taxes?
Just wondering.

$3000 and my car ate it.

meh, I have to pay in 13$ to the state and I get 90$ back from fed. My accountant is fucking bomb. I had to pay in sooo much last year.

$1200, bank account

900 - alcohol :frowning:

im the only one out of 25 that had to pay so far? weak.

still waiting to receive mine from my tax accountant… but I believe it is about $4K give or take depending on loss from stock sales

edit: and probably buying some new patio furniture, mower, vacation, save the rest


$848 fed, $140 state

owed the rents some money, beats for the suburban… and probably a bunch of pot, but I don’t really remember.

Ended up with about $800 in returns, plus my $600 stimulus check coming in soon…

Putting it all towards house shit.

$1200-car parts

nice, you could get some jim’s steakout

State -450
Federal +490

$650, parts to get the car back together

I don’t know yet, won’t be doing 2008 taxes for another 10 months…


but I got $5000 back… hopefully blacktop driveway or fix everything else I want around the house and have like $3k leftover for the bank.

1000- Federal…car parts

115 state- paying off my tv

same here

1000, my car gets a spa treatment…

460…i really don’t know where it went. some where between new tv and other random shit.