Tc is a girly car? No wai


im not reading all 4 pages of this… but i seen it the day it came out… i thought it was funnier than scary… whoever thinks it was scary is a bitch…



BAMF u is

Hey everyone, Dave in his girly tC has spoken. We’re all bitches, he’s the manliest.


dave’s dukin em up BIG with his TC!!!11


gtfo with your girly ride

girly rides ftl

get the fuck out ur driveway? just wait til ur mom gets out and i will…


lol benny

y r people mad that my car is a hell of a lot newer than theirs with 200k miles less?

Yeah Im brutally mad.

Hey guess what brah.

I got a 1993 with 31k.

What whaaaatttt my car’s so much better lol

93?? damn… and dont u mean 231k?

This ni99a5 crazyy

dave your ride SUCKS and its for GIRLS and i HATE IT

icey hot stuntin

:crazy :thumbup

good for you. i really dont care actually.

I know I’m new here and all but TC’s are pretty girly…

why did u get rid of ur tC… weren’t u “stuntin” that shit hardest around here?