TDI bro's help me out plz?

I recently confirmed my suspicions of my car still spinning around with the OEM belts at 115kmi. That’s 30kmi past due. That’s pushin’ it.

I am looking around for new belts, water pump and coolant. I found a few places. They end up costing just about the same. It all ends up being just around 300 bucks for the belts and pump and such. I plan to do this myself to save money, because I am unemployed at the moment. Another reason for this is because I want to do this with my own hands. This seems like something I could do without a lift and a tremendous amount of specialized tools. I have a bunch of tools at home, but I will gladly go and get more if they are needed, there are several stores near by. I am definitely getting the Bentley, unless somebody is willing to help me out that’s done it before. Food, beer and etc is on me during the process ofcourse. Jef-fa-fa has my heater right now, but I could grab it and I think this is totally doable during a weekend in the garage. It’s not a tremendous rush, but I’d like to get this done and over with pretty soon. If it takes more than 2-3 days it’s not a huge deal. I’ve got my A6.

I was looking at German Auto Parts, bonus here is some extra items they give you), out the tools, so I wouldnt need to buy), and
The underlined stuff is links to the items im talking about.

What has me confused is the slight differences between all the kits. Some have non stretch bolts, some do. I am not entirely sure why they would differ, or if it makes a difference in the operation of the car under normal daily driving conditions. If you guys know that certain ones are bad and I should stay away, please let me know, I’d appreciate it. There’s some brand names that I’m unfamiliar with, so I’m not sure if theyre okay to use or if there’s only certain ones that should go on these cars.

As all this is happening I also plan to figure out why it’s not spittin water on m windshield(not a major problem) and get it straight piped at the same time.

Any help/advice/usefull info/links appreciated as always. Thanks in advance.

They’re all good kits, I like that the metalnerd one comes with the 3 IP stretch bolt replacements. Seems to be the only thing the other ones are lacking and very important.

I got dibs on buying this cheap when above repairs don’t go so well.

Whats the deal with the bolts, Wayne? Why those vs just regular ones?

the ones currently in the IP are most likely stretch bolts (same with the motor mounts etc etc etc). They are only good for tightening once and then need to be replaced. I don’t fucking understand why VW does this??? Fucking retarded. Anyway that kit i mentioned includes the replacement non stretch style bolts for the IP. :thumbup

What else do i need while im at it? im gonna get the gaskets for the exhaust for straight piping it. they give u coolant. is there something else im missing?

are you cleaning your intake at the same time? i would if it were mine, all you’d need is an intake to head gasket, and an intake to egr o-ring. good time to do an oil change as well. can’t think of anything else off the top of my head.

I am planning on cleaning out the intake, ditching the EGR, but I got an oil change 1kmi ago. im ok on that one.

tdi buddy talk. I’m getting new belt + pump + other ish in a couple weeks or so. Don’t want to chance it @65kmi currently. :slight_smile:

TTY boltz are awesomesauce, GM uses them on a lot of shit too. Constant pressure through heat cycles FTW.

TTY bolts have no place in an engine mount of a VW, or on an IP pulley IMO. It’s a VW for christ sake, these things come out weekly. LOLOLOL I understand them for head bolts etc.

two car belt swap at my garage? im totally willing to drag out some speakers and get some dubstep djing business going :lol ill get my heater back from Jef-fa-fa and we’re good to go. There’s lots of places to get food as well.

There ya go Bryan!!! Have him do it!!!

I’m aight.


I’m not reading your whole post but if you haven’t figured it out by now to order from German Auto Parts then you shouldn’t own a Volkswagen.

then read it.
tldr-i found a couple kits, wanted to ask ppl who know more which is best

Diesel Geeks

how come that one?

Seems like the best one, and I trust my TDI wizard.

Is there and real world significant difference between the regular and the stretch bolts? It doesnt seem like theyre better or worse, really. It’s not something you change weekly. Was it done for cost savings or something?